찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

We opened a group chat room for students. I want to be a free place for communication and discussion. Group chat address and participation code are class notes and https://cafe.naver.com/moobu/24 You can find it here :) [Group chat room information] 1. Please set the group chat room nickname as Class 101 nickname to check the number of students. 2. The group chat room was opened for free discussion, communication, and information sharing among students. For direct questions to me, please use the coaching right or class comment window as usual. 3. We aim for a comfortable atmosphere! Please refrain from making unreasonable demands, criticism, etc. to others. [Cafe Information] We opened a cafe for class 101 students to share information. 1. Cafe address - https://cafe.naver.com/moobu/ 2. Please make sure that the nickname is the same as the class 101 nickname when you join the cafe. Classmate verification purposes - Enemy and this nickname must be verified before it can be upgraded. 3. You need to register and apply for a class so that you can check the posts according to your grade. 4. Those who have finished the course period can check the updated information at the cafe. Thank you! Review fairy, Nam DREAM.
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