
Blog Intensive Course ❘ The key secret to earning up to 10 million won per month from blogging!

10 chapters
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Sobble Go-Sani - Lee Nam Edition

Let me put it bluntly.

My core know-how
It will be released as it is

300만 원에서 1,000만 원까지 걸린 시간, 3개월

[Time taken from 3 million won to 10 million won, 3 months]

There are things I learned through various online marketing experiences such as SNS marketing, blog marketing, guerrilla marketing, etc. I didn't know anything The fact is that even beginners can make money in an instant if they only need trivial information and ideas.

If you only know how to use it, if you only know how to use it

You too can make money

최근 애드센스 지급 영수증

[Recent AdSense payment receipt]

최근 실제 입금 내역

[Recent actual deposit history]

If you're reading this post already running a profitable blog and have been approved by AdSense With this course, you can increase your profits within 3 months.

Up to 10 million won per month with a blog,

It's packed with everything I needed.

Blogging is the most realistic side job. Since there is no initial cost, you can get started casually, and there is no need for a preparation process since business registration is not required. If you feel like doing it right now, you can get started right away.

But anyone
It's not like you can make a lot of money

Some people say that all the information is on the internet. That's right. Most of the information is on the Internet. though How much did your profit increase when you learned that information? Did topics recommended on the Internet and keywords recommended on the Internet work?

Blogging is a competitive field. As much as you need to do better than others to earn more money, published information becomes less of a know-how. If there is a golden keyword, it will not be a golden keyword the moment it is published, and if there is a high level exposure method, it will return to the original point if many people follow it.

The important thing is not “information,”
It's “utilization.”

해당 노하우 적용 사례 (6월 기준 하루 평균 방문자 680명으로 약 76만 원 달성)

[An example of applying this know-how (as of June, an average of 680 visitors per day achieved approximately 760,000 won])

I was always in doubt. Why don't these people increase their profits when they have all the information? When I heard these questions, I was convinced that “information” wasn't everything. So I came up with ideas, implemented them, analyzed them, and did everything I could.

The result I realized the difference between making money and not being able to make money. The important thing was utilization rather than information, and if you can't connect to it, no matter how much information you collect, you won't be able to connect it to profit.

So I prepared it. In this class, I plan to open up all the necessary methods so that I can follow the core know-how I used to make 10 million won.

If you're not sure, it's enough to just follow along. And ultimately, the biggest goal is to learn how to gain insight and create your own know-how.

If you work in the right direction

It's supposed to grow.

(리뷰요정리남 수익형 블로그 수강생 수익인증)

(Review Yojeong-nam Profitable Blog Student Profit Certification)

What I've learned through a lot of trial and error is that there are necessary trials and errors that aren't. If we know the core we need and work in the right direction, we can only grow. Also, there are many students who have proven this idea.

You don't have to suffer alone

Difficult tasks are a little easier if you do it together.

리남x심화과정 수강생 전용 단톡방

(Dantok room for Lee Nam x Advanced Course students only)

Surviving alone in an ever-growing market may not be easy. Therefore, we chose the path of being a team, and we are constantly updating information and providing answers through a dedicated dantok room for students.

It's okay if you listen to a lecture and don't understand it all at once. I have colleagues who work for the same purpose, and I will also try to help you with your questions as much as possible. As long as you don't give up, you can get continuous feedback rather than just taking one course.

We do not recommend these people to take the course.

수익형 블로그

<Introduction to profitable blogging course>

  • I'm starting a blog for the first time
  • AdSense is not approved

No matter how good the information is, it cannot be used properly without basic skills. The purpose of this class is to increase profitsAs such, it is aimed at people who have an AdSense account, and it does not cover basic content such as writing or keywords in a blog.

The most important thing is to be able to search for posts I've written, and I have the basic skills necessary to do that, so just in case If you're just starting to get interested, it's a good idea to take an introductory course first.

Introductory course - https://class101.page.link/hjXF

  • I want to make money without doing anything
  • I want to get only advanced information
  • I don't intend to work hard

Let me tell you realistically. Content that is overcompetitive, such as Naver's top exposure, cannot be disclosed, and even if it is sold, it is not content that can be obtained from others as it costs tens of millions of won or more. It is not suitable for those who want to earn money easily by obtaining such special information, so we recommend that you do not take this course.

The core of this class is not about trying to get something special that cannot be obtained, but about maximizing efficiency using solid basic skills, and it deals with what is needed to earn a profit and how I use it. I recommend that only those who want to learn or follow along in the way I actually did it should take the course.

We are preparing to increase the profits of all who take this class so that it can be an answer sheet in the future. However, in order to properly utilize the class content, it takes at least 3 months. If you work hard during this time, you can get the most profit, and gradually you can get the maximum effect by spending a minimum of time, so I only want those who can work hard for at least 3 months to take this course.

The feeling of not knowing what to do

I know that very well.

Do you think I'm unique because I've earned this much money from my blog? I'm not someone who has achieved something and suddenly appeared. That's because until I first announced my profitable blog on YouTube, it was only 3 million won per month.

Not everyone can achieve it, but
Somebody can achieve

It's not a special talent, it's the result of hard work, so it's something you can follow along with. I've included everything so that everyone who takes the class can increase their profits, so if you don't know what to do, please benchmark me.

Thank you

Review Yojeong-nam Dream.

Class Kit · Coaching Session

💌 Review Fairy Lee NamDirect 1:1 coaching (2 sessions)

  • You can ask 2 questions per coaching ticket.
  • If you tell us your blog address, we'll tell you directly what parts to edit after confirmation.
  • There is HTML/CSS editing in the curriculum. If the settings don't work well, please let us know and we'll edit them for you.
  • If you have any ideas about how to use it after attending the class, please ask questions through the coaching ticket, and I will help you as much as I can to the best of my knowledge.
  • If you have any questions or problems other than the course of the class, please let us know and we will do our best to help you.
  • Coaching will be answered sequentially every Tuesday and Thursday.
  • Coaching is answered sequentially by the borrower based on the date the questions were received. This may take at least 7 to 10 days.
  • The coaching ticket can be used for 20 weeks from the date of purchase.
  • If not used within the period, no refund will be given.



Digital Nomad Re-Nam

Digital Nomad Re-Nam

Hello, I'm Lee Nam, a review fairy who earns money through blogging, YouTube, and various online marketing.

Actually, I was just an ordinary student. Then I started marketing by chance, and I became a digital nomad receiving a steady salary from Google through a blog that I thought I would only earn 300,000 won a day.

I'm an ordinary person who isn't special. It's extremely realistic. Through class 101, I will tell you how I came to follow this path, and how I was able to do marketing with a blog without anything without majoring in marketing.









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Notes on Copyright Protection

  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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