
Start by looking at 100% money <How to run an Instagram that earns 10 million won per month>

8 chapters · 4 hours 15 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

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“CEO, I must push this as an online lecture...?

Please rethink it just once... How much does this cost...”

수강생 실전 성과 내역_1

▶ ︎ Student performance history_1

수강생 실전 성과 내역_2

▶ ︎ Student performance history_2

This is the first story I heard from members of the marketing education company I run when I first decided to open a class on an open platform.

In fact, the content of the course to be included in this class was actually receiving regular 1:1 training at a marketing education institution I run, and I had sales of 1 million won to 10 million won or more through Instagram, and said, “I never even dreamed that there was such a method!! I love it!” It was the extract part that you told me, and everyone was worried that it could be released at such a low price.

People who have repeated the content of this course have left reviews like this.

홈비즈마케팅협회 수강생 실천성과 후기 일부

▶ ︎ Some practical achievements and reviews of students from the Home Biz Marketing Association

I just said one word to the members of such a company.

“So I have to give you the best.
I want more people to live a life where they don't worry about money!”

Hello, from a basic life security beneficiary 4 years ago

Currently, I'm Ahn Hye-bin, the CEO with a billion annual salary.제가 자란 곳, 대구 하빈면 대평리

▶ ︎ Where I grew up, Daepyeong-ri, Habin-myeon, Daegu

“My mom never got rich.”

I was born and raised in Kangchon, and since I was 15 years old, I spent only 4 hours a day sleeping, starting with running leaflets and running throws and threeschools. But I thought I'd say this to my two daughters, who continue to live in this state of affairs.

“My mom tried everything she could, but in the end she studied well and went to a good university

The only way to get rich was to get a good job and work hard.

My mom worked hard, but she didn't get rich after all.”

I just imagined saying this as a mom, and I really hated that scene.

I made this decision on the night when my family had no money to buy pig's feet and didn't have 30,000 won in their bankbook.

“Yes. You've never done your best to the end of your neck, Hyebin. Let's try it this time!!!”

I've always wanted to make a lot of money, but for the first time that night I thought “this shouldn't be the case,” and I've been searching for ways to make money since then.

As a result, the mother of a young child who was a basic life security beneficiary four years ago is now receiving income from various sources. In addition, I became the representative of a company that received a salary several times a month to give lectures and fulfill my vision 365 days a year with colleagues I wanted to work with.

최근 단 3일간의 입금 내역 약 1,180만원

▶ ︎ Deposit details for the last 3 days, approximately KRW 11.8 million

This miraculous thing that happened to me

Everyone can fully enjoy it too!

It was a life where it was difficult to earn tens of thousands of won a day, but it changed to a life where profits came in automatically through the revenue pipeline I had built up. This isn't just something that can happen to me. I've prepared this course for everyone who wants to change their lives like me.

This course is 100% 'Instagram to make money'

The focus was on operational law!

There seems to be a limit to making a profit from blogging because there are many power bloggers who have already started a few years ago, and YouTube is from shooting videos to editing every day... What seems simple is Instagram, but you don't know how to get started?

Among the social media most used by people, Instagram is relatively easy to access.

I'm extremely introverted and mediocre

Can people like me make money on Instagram?

The Instagram market is growing day by day, and many people want to make money, but in reality, there are few opportunities for those who have just started Instagram to earn money by outsourcing advertisements from brands and posting them on Instagram. Even on Instagram, it looks like you need a pretty face and a good life to be active.

So is there really no way for introverted, ordinary people to generate revenue from Instagram?

I only need two things for my < Instagram management know-how to make 100% money> course.

  1. Instagram app
  2. Instagram ID

The reviews you see below

It will soon be your story.

📍 Students who started with me and earned 7 million won at home without commuting or leaving work

▶ ︎ I earn 7 million won from home without leaving or leaving work!

📍 Students who have increased sales by 20 times through Instagram marketing

▶ ︎ From Instagram marketing to 20 times sales in 1 year

▶ ︎ After starting to earn money from home in 2020, more than 200 items and profits will be revealed per month

▶ ︎ Unveiling the selling know-how of a farmer in his 40s that he didn't even know on Instagram!

Be sure to learn how to monetize courses! I'll show you all my know-how in the course. Do you feel like this is just a distant story from all of you? It will soon be your story.

What makes sales happen the best

What do you think the conditions are?

immediately “Gather people to buy in advance and start selling” It's.

Generally, when I start Instagram, I wait for people to respond to the content I share. However, in this lecture, I will be thorough I will tell you a strategy to gather people who can buy the products/services I sell and make sales happen. It's about setting up a structure in advance that is bound to be sold.

I learned this method and became a CEO with 1 billion in sales, away from a time when I didn't have 30,000 won in my bankbook. This is not a special method that only applied to me. The people I have personally trained and run Instagram in this way have achieved this kind of achievement.

500 monthly sales?

I'm not talking about anyone else anymore!

20대 계약직 퇴사 후, 출퇴근 없이 돈버는 프리랜서 마케팅 대행 등으로 월 700만원  매출 달성

▶ ︎ After leaving a contract employee in his 20s, he achieved monthly sales of 7 million won by acting as a freelance marketing agency that earns money without commuting

아이 둘 키우며 집에서 돈버는 엄마, 월 매출 400만원 달성

▶ ︎ Mom raising two children and making money at home achieves monthly sales of 4 million won

30대 직장인, 직장 다니면서 온라인판매 시작 인스타그램 마케팅으로 단일 상품 누적 판매량 3만개 돌파

▶ ︎ An employee in his 30s started online sales while attending work, and the cumulative sales of a single product exceeded 30,000 units through Instagram marketing

40대 두 딸 아빠, 오프라인 학원 운영 경험과 노하우를 온라인으로 판매하여 하루에 125만원 매출 달성

▶ ︎ Dad of two daughters in their 40s achieved sales of 1.25 million won per day by selling their experience and know-how in running an offline school online

When I was 26 years old, I used Instagram

I will reveal all the ways I earned 100 million a month!

I thought my life should be changed, and I invested a lot of money in education. If you look at it, it's almost worth the price of an apartment.

In this class, I have been selling something for 12 years, and for 4 years I have been teaching < marketing strategies to cause product/service sales on SNS > at the Home Biz Marketing Association for 4 years I've tried it myself, and I'll show you how to use Instagram to generate 100% revenue, as I've seen the results of over 1,000 trainers achieving results.

If you only learn these four things

You too can reach your dreams!

If you learn all 4 methods below, you will be able to earn profits from automation and semi-automation like me and live a life that I only vaguely thought was impossible.

📍 How an ordinary person makes money on Instagram

📍How to monetize Instagram to earn more than 3 million won per month without showing your face

📍The most efficient way to promote my products/services on Instagram

📍How to make the “wealth overtaking lane” a reality, starting with Instagram

'How to make money' through this class

I'll cut your worries about in half!

In particular, this course also covers < how to make 10 million won per month that people don't know about < and how to make a system where money comes in even if I don't work < so that people can earn more money for those who are just getting started or who are already making money through Instagram >.

Let's start making money with Instagram with me!

Class Kit · Coaching Session

Required for the class

Here is an introduction to the kit.

1. Book Kit - “How do young rich people earn 2,000 a day from social media?”

Creator's book “How do young rich people earn 2,000 a day on social media?” contains social media marketing secrets that can generate the best sales compared to time investment. If you're planning to “start a business with minimal costs,” take that first step together.

  • Product name: Book “How do young rich people earn 2,000 a day on social media?”
  • Publication date: June 14, 2019
  • Number of pages, weight: 212 pages, 492 g
  • Size: 150*220*14mm
  • ISBN13:9791188230747

🚚 This is a shipping guide.

  • For inquiries about product defects or incorrect delivery, please contact the Class 101 Customer Service Center.





Hallo From a housewife who raised two newborn children at home to a corporate company representative on Instagram

I'm Hye, who became a working mom with a billion annual salary. For the first time in this class, I will reveal 4 Instagram monetization management know-how that I haven't been able to reveal in books and YouTube. Thank you so much for your support!

-CEO of HBIZ Co., Ltd.

-CEO of Home Biz Marketing Association

-Bestseller of the book Economic Management <How do young rich people earn 2,000 a day on social media? >

-Best seller of books on economic management <First Kiss in Marketing>

-Sookmyung Women's University Beauty Chief Executive Program Guest Professor

-Completed Korea University Online Marketing Chief Executive Program

-Received the first prize for consumer satisfaction in the Education Brand category -<Hosted by Korea Enterprise Development Agency>

-Completed the Korea Business Association Chief Executive Program

-2019.12 - 2020.3 Influencer commerce platform Parasta training and marketing advice

-2020.1 ~ Korea Business Association Instagram marketing training and advice

-Attended Instagram marketing for famous dental hospitals, various companies, and famous beauty brands in Gangnam

Are you afraid “I can do it” before you even start?

When I was a basic living beneficiary four years ago, I was full of fears even before I started.

And now there are many students who have achieved results and told me that their lives have changed

At first, everyone said this.

“I don't have any special talents... I don't have confidence. Can I really do it?”

“I've heard a lot of education all over the place, but I haven't achieved anything yet. Can I do that too? ”

“I really want to do a good job this time if I know how to do it right.”

After that, I am now a person who can teach someone “how to make money.”

I'm not sure what kind of environment you're in or how much income you're making right now, but

I definitely know one thing.

If we invest in learning and take on challenges in the right way, that challenge is fueled by the magic of compound interest.

This is what I learned after investing money to invest in an apartment in learning.

If I had invested in an apartment early because I wanted fear and stability for the money I invested in learning

I would have lived in fear of receiving a rent income of several hundred thousand won and paying monthly interest.

But I invested that money in learning

I've increased my income level and revenue pipeline where money comes in every month.

Currently, I live where I want, and invest comfortably with my increased income

It changed my life to being able to serve hot meals to my loved ones.

It all started with Instagram, where I spent my time raising kids at home.

Pope John XXIII also said this.

“Seek advice from hopes and dreams, not from fear. Don't think about frustration, but about unfulfilled potential. Don't worry about what you've tried and failed; be interested in what's still possible.”

If all of you

  • If you're not satisfied with your current income
  • However, if you have an Instagram ID

Join me now to find out “How to make money with Instagram that even an ordinary person can do.” We will help you monetize Instagram in the best way possible with education.





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  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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