찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

*Reveals free bonus classes for [Notices] students - Various industry examples! Half of the lectures are now open, and I'm really overconfident about your support. I'd like to take this opportunity to say thank you very much. ^^ This was my first lecture, too! So I think I shared a lot of cases and principles that I succeeded in myself. Actually, there are a lot more examples and contents. To make up for this, I would like to prepare a bonus lecture for my students. (Please take everything you want.Haha) I think the big concept was fully covered in the existing lecture. For those of you who are already doing business to a certain extent, they're giving feedback that "just knowing the open concept could tell us what to do right now." (Smart people)) However, for those who are taking it for the first time, it must be difficult.ᅮᅮᅮ I recommend listening to it over and over again. The lecture that I will give as a bonus will be prepared for beginners by adding industry examples in the keyword planning and writing sections. We will announce the number of additional lectures and the release date later. Thank you. ♡00
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