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클래스 스토리808개의 글

I drew it with my mom! If it's the same color, it's boring, so with the pink sky I had in mind, I wanted to express reeds in brown instead of green, but I wanted to overlap the leaves, but it was hard to apply to that point. Each paint has a different level of thickness, but when it's watery, the leaves are pressed with a knife, and the hollows are soon smoothed out like lines on the knife, so it's not easy to express... If you look at it closely, 😭 I really liked the grass, but this work from far away... I need to see it.
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Serena Art
Wow~~~ It's so pretty~ ㅠㅠㅠㅠ It's really pretty when the spring and fall feel are in contrast to each other! Yeah, the concentration varies from paint to paint, so by the time you get used to the knife, it'll be a lot easier. Thank you for the picture. 😊
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I thought the black ground would go well with the little prince, so I drew a little prince and a fox.Haha And I think I drew it too small. This time, the details of the moon were too difficult.fi
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Serena Art
Oh, my God! It's so lovely and cute.ᅲᅲ❤️ Looking at it like this, it really looked like a young prince! I didn't even think about it!!! I also like the details of the moon! It would be much better if the color was a little lighter, but it's still well described.😊
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Oh! That's cool.
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I wanted blue so much that I finished blue! I drew ten sheets of paper to finish painting the background and practice drawing trees in advance. But it's a bit crooked;; but what I felt is that it's as important as practice to have a bad experience in real life. It's a shame that the horns and petals are thick.Haha
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Wooden Practice:) Paper and canvas definitely feel different:o It's hard to control the paint cracking as the brush gets thicker and the longer the line is drawn.;;
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Serena Art
Wow, the background color goes well with the deer! Even practicing 😊 Right, the brush strokes and the paper on the canvas are different, right? Everything will be a precious experience!😊
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It's my first work. It's awkward to use a brush and knife, so it didn't come out the way I wanted it to, but I'm proud to see the finished work! Maybe it's because I'm not used to using the brush, but the large brush of Hwahong 156 keeps cracking, so I can't draw thin clouds as I want. Unlike watercolor brushes, 804 and fan brushes had different brush strokes, so it was hard to shape them if you didn't apply a lot of paint.ㅠㅠ The thicker the acrylic paint you put on the masking tape, the easier it is to get the paint off. Does it get better if I put some jets on the canvas?
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