찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

클래스 스토리3627개의 글

Hello, I'm preparing for the Kids Platform business. I want to learn the marketing language so that my parents can use the services on my platform for their children!
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Marketer Jang
That's a relief. It's in the field of kids. We've been working on it. I was in charge of teachers, Aram Books, Muem Education, Genius Textbook, Woongjin Thinkbig (Woongjin Thinkbig, Woongjin Thinkfun, Woongjin Home School), English Egg, English Moog, Solution English Class, Pröbell, YBM Senior, Moonjung, China. I consulted with sales coaching, sales manual work, direct sales video, training video, and marketing. I did marketing consulting for children's country at LG Uplus until last month. If you go out to the store, you'll be able to see the children's country video. (See Sales Direct Sales Video below) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrS1kEVLY9s&t=29s I opened 'Jang Mun-jeong TV' on YouTube a few weeks ago, and the educational videos that I delivered to Woongjin Thinkbig are being uploaded one by one, so please subscribe and watch it. You'll be more helpful if you let me know the details when you're coaching. We have to work in the afternoon. 20,000. Total...
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I'm looking forward to it.~I'd like to study hard and get a lot of things from 1:1 coaching:)
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It's not as easy as I thought. I've changed so many times. ㅠㅠ Maybe I should start thinking while listening to the lecture! Chapter 1 I learn a lot!! I'm looking forward to Chapter 2.^^*
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Marketer Jang
So the knowledge industry is a high value-added industry. I was writing a consulting report and I'm getting off work now, but the marketing advisory report we deliver is literally paper. But the cost is quite high. The method is trained to think a lot and concentrate on it and apply it to daily life, so it is used sensitively. The problem is... He's old, he's sick, he's old, he's wearing a magnifying glass, his head's getting stiff, and his intelligence's at rock bottom. ㅠㅠㅠ We're still getting requests from the old gun days with Name Value, but... I don't know... ^^;;
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I'm listening to the last one and organizing my notes."His handwriting is old." It's stuck!
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Marketer Jang
You're a show host, aren't you? I sent you the data by personal mail. I hope you're always satisfied with the show. I wish you a better leap forward~~~~~~~~~~~~~!^^
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1:1 coaching answers. The first thing that came to mind. I think it's the best thing I've ever done this year. Hahaha I thought it would be really helpful for the younger generation. I don't want anyone to know about the other show host. It was a lecture I wanted to take by myself!!! Hahaha
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Fire extinguishers - property guards (you'll be in big trouble if you burn them all) Deodeok - Mother Nature Insulin (blood sugar control effect)
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