찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

Mr. Lee Bom~ Please let me know if there is anything I need to revise. Thank you ^^ 1.Ae Jeong-un - King of Pentacles: Image Reading: On a sunny day the king sits in a solemn chair with a baton and a large pentakle in both hands. Nearby, there are many castles, grapes, flowers, and steel shoes where the king lives. -> I can get the fruits of love as I want, just like a king. - 다만 But if you try to take the initiative too much, your opponent may get tired, so be careful. 2.Feeling - The Priest: Image Reading: The Priestess is in the center of the black and white with a solemn expression. However, the curtain is decorated with colorful pomegranates. -> You'd better have a quiet inner circle like a priestess. I'm excited about yesterday's good health check-up and it can interfere with my studying English. So you need to control your emotions. 3.Academic clouds - Pentacle Aces: Image Reading: On the ground, it looks like an orchard, but there are many fruits open and God's hand is flashing in the sky, holding a very large pentacle. -> If you try, it will be a great week for you to achieve great results. I actually did a lot of good English shading and I was able to study all my goals. 4.Advice - On the dark night of the crescent moon, a woman wearing a gray robe with a knife in the shape of x sits on a shabby chair with her eyes covered. The river is calm but rocky. -> A woman who seems to have a lot to think about is taking a posture to defend something. > Speaking English I have a lot of thoughts about selecting learning materials, so I couldn't decide. There's something else going on. fall into a defensive posture of dropping a lesson >With confidence, I challenge other English speaking materials, and whenever I meet something difficult, I say I'm still a beginner, and I take a defensive posture, which tells me that it's time to actively.
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