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클래스 스토리17479개의 글

Hello, I'm a student who is reading 2 times. I will write down what I felt while learning tarot cards. Actually, I thought it would be worth playing tarot cards, and after I learned it, I wanted to earn some pocket money. But the more I do, the more I need to know and study. Funny thing is, it's a new charm and it's fun. The will and passion to learn taro are the vitality of life. And I thought I would look after others a lot if I learned how to play cards, but it wasn't. Actually, I'm the one who needs the most cards. I'm comforted by cards when I'm having a hard time, and I'm helped when I have worries. I think I learned tarot cards well these days. I want to learn tarot cards and become as professional as Lee Bom.
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댓글 7개 전체 보기
I left a comment, but I can't move on to the next video.
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Leebom's Paradise
Hello Eunjin! No, this happens if you go into another comment room and leave a comment there. You can watch the lecture video in order and leave a comment there. If it doesn't work out, please contact Class 101 and we'll take care of it quickly and kindly. :)
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Leebom's Paradise
He interpreted the moderation card as a way to control his desires and get the results he wants! Also, I read that since I studied with the keyword "acceptance", I will get the result that I want even if it takes a long time to see the light after living far away by meaning and image reading. I think I got this result because I didn't study much. I got goosebumps a little bit. The encyclopedia was really helpful. I can't wait to ask another question. LOL
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Leebom's Paradise
Wow, Soojin! I'll start with a million stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ You really organized the taro diary well! You marked it with a highlighter in color, and the handwriting is so pretty that it makes me feel good just looking at it! The questions you've written are very specific and very good questions about your behavior. On the card, on the reading, you took a good note of the image reading! It looks great. You applied the leading content with the image and keywords according to the situation! It's perfect! It's great 👍👍👍
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Leebom's Paradise
Mr. Lee Bom~ Please let me know if there is anything I need to revise. Thank you ^^ 1.Ae Jeong-un - King of Pentacles: Image Reading: On a sunny day the king sits in a solemn chair with a baton and a large pentakle in both hands. Nearby, there are many castles, grapes, flowers, and steel shoes where the king lives. -> I can get the fruits of love as I want, just like a king. - 다만 But if you try to take the initiative too much, your opponent may get tired, so be careful. 2.Feeling - The Priest: Image Reading: The Priestess is in the center of the black and white with a solemn expression. However, the curtain is decorated with colorful pomegranates. -> You'd better have a quiet inner circle like a priestess. I'm excited about yesterday's good health check-up and it can interfere with my studying English. So you need to control your emotions. 3.Academic clouds - Pentacle Aces: Image Reading: On the ground, it looks like an orchard, but there are many fruits open and God's hand is flashing in the sky, holding a very large pentacle. -> If you try, it will be a great week for you to achieve great results. I actually did a lot of good English shading and I was able to study all my goals. 4.Advice - On the dark night of the crescent moon, a woman wearing a gray robe with a knife in the shape of x sits on a shabby chair with her eyes covered. The river is calm but rocky. -> A woman who seems to have a lot to think about is taking a posture to defend something. > Speaking English I have a lot of thoughts about selecting learning materials, so I couldn't decide. There's something else going on. fall into a defensive posture of dropping a lesson >With confidence, I challenge other English speaking materials, and whenever I meet something difficult, I say I'm still a beginner, and I take a defensive posture, which tells me that it's time to actively.
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댓글 2개 전체 보기
Leebom's Paradise
This week will be a week with a lot of thoughts. It's good to examine carefully, but remember that excessive thinking prevents you from acting. 1. Occupational Luck - Pentacle 9 : Next week, I'll be able to get recognized for what I've done so far. Don't be in a hurry and work comfortably. Rather than chasing others excessively, why don't you focus on what you think? 2.Money Transport - Knights of Pentacle : Next week, I think it's better to make a plan rather than make a direct investments. Rather than investing in a hurry, you'll get good results if you look carefully for investment destinations. 3. Aejungwoon - Wand9 : You're suspecting my boyfriend's cigarette issue. I'm sure your boyfriend is trying, too. Why don't you find something to work with, rather than doubt? Rather than focusing on others, it will be a much better relationship if you plan what you can do and prepare for execution. 4.Advice-Sword Poetry : I have a lot on my mind this week. financially and affectionately. Your thoughts will bite your tail and you will have a lot of negative thoughts. But if you have something planned, why don't you try it? A small decision will make a new beginning.
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Leebom's Paradise
Hello, Hee Young! First, please write down the contents of the question. Writing down questions is very important for tarot reading :) You did an in-depth reading of this week's fortune! According to the meaning and fortune of each card, they read the keywords and examples of life very well, and they read the appropriate advice really well. ❤️👍 Also, the advice to keep in mind that general arrangement also prevents excessive thinking from acting was really good. ❤️ That's great! I'll send you a million stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💕💕💕💕💕
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Q1. What will happen to the morning flow? A1. The Magician (Keywords: Start, capable, versatile, creative, creative, attractive) It's going to be a very creative morning with your work going smoothly. So if you start focusing in the morning, you'll be able to go the way you want. Q2. What will happen to the lunch flow? A2. Two of Pentacles (Keyword: hesitant, conflicted, confused) Was creativity too much in the morning, or it could be a situation where you might hesitate or be confused in the process of proceeding with too much creativity. I think it would be good to focus on what I can do without thinking too deeply. Q3. What will happen to the evening flow? A3. Queen of Pentacles (Keywords: tolerance, material affluence, emotional stability) The moment of hesitation for lunch is passing by, and it will pay off what you were doing, and you will be able to relax.
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