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클래스 스토리5740개의 글

I practiced drawing a three-column bookcase because I couldn't draw the line:) It's still crooked, but I was surprised that it looked so plausible to put it in.I had a lot of books, so it was hard to write, but now that I'm done, I really like it.LOL
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Mr. Papadol! What a wonderful bookcase! 😀 I'm sure you've drawn similar books. Books with different colors and fonts are very attractive. 👍 When I drew the first deck, like this. The shelf with the books on the third floor feels different. It's unique and good to feel your own color:) Pont's gonna keep a close eye on the point. I think he wrote it while saving his life:) And if you write, you can see the effect of increasing density. When you look at the finished picture, you're not going to interpret and read the letters first. Because it appears to be an image of a single line, an area, and an overall picture, In a way, you might think that the handwriting looks like a picture. So just adding lettering to a rather bland area, It's a pretty good thing going on. 😀 Now, if you draw so many books yourself, you've experienced them. I think you can apply it to future applications and creative works as well:) And pretty colors stand out when you use them as a point. You've completed this chapter very meticulously and beautifully. I think you can continue with the next chapter with pride. 😌 You did a great job! ID Papadol, fighting for the next chapter. 🙏🏼
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Wow!!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍
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The flowers are so pretty. It's like a watercolor painting! I love gaubera the most. ᄒ>><< But why can't I see anything if I erase it with an eraser after I sketch it?ᅲᅲᅲᅲ
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Oh! It's a very attractive composition. The arrangement you held is tighter and more free. :) That's why I can feel the unique flexibility of nature. Guevara, each petal will live well. You did a good job drawing 😀 The other ones were also well done to make the area look soft even though the area was divided. And you felt that the maca was like a watercolor:) Maka is a dry material, but depending on the amount of ink absorbed, It's moist and dry, so you can express it like watercolor and oriental painting. And it's really graphic-like. It's a lot of ingredients:) If you erase it too much after sketching, you might get confused when you color it. So it's better to leave it in a small amount. (so much as I can recognize) Don't erase everything. It is recommended that you erase only the areas where the coloring is applied and repeat after coloring. If you don't know how much to erase, First, leave it so that I can recognize it, and after you learn the colors, I'm going to try to draw a similar pattern again. You can do it by applying a little more eraser. Once you've drawn it, it leaves a sense of form in your head or hands. It could be a little easier. You did a great job in this chapter! I see some pretty plants in the background:) It's very helpful to apply what I have. Good luck with the next chapter. 😀🙌
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What did I see? It's so beautiful.
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I wanted to give you a refreshment in your daily life, so I was thinking about what to do, and now I'm applying for your class. I've practiced drawing using a maca and it's awkward so I want to learn how to draw properly! We are looking forward to it.
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Mr. Hung-hhh! It's nice to meet you through class. I can't believe you've ever used a maca. If you step by step, it will be easier for you:) I'm working on drawing, too. Painting is really good to concentrate on and can make small changes in your daily life. I hope you can upload your pictures and get feedback, as well as take a lot of things! Fighting 🙌
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I failed a few while doing it, but from a distance, does it seem like something looks okay? It's not working out as I wishfully yet.crying
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