찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

Last time, I refined it from Brand Core Value selection and organized Slogan, Brand Name, and Overview (or Product Story): 🟡 Brand Core Value 1) Discovery, discover: What can be seen when one's eyes are closed. 2) Concentration and connection: What is seen after careful consideration. 3) Moment, moment: When I can see the real me. 🟡 Slogan Discover your inner self 🟡 Name Fmw (short for feel my own) 🟡 Overview or Product Story Without the social factors surrounding me, When I concentrate entirely on myself in my time and space Finally, I discover the real me that I didn't know until now. When you try to see things that you can't see with your eyes, We focus on our senses. Among them, smell is the best sense to recall emotions and memories. Instead of scents made of artificial flavoring, Made of natural things. An essence stick that scents in the natural way. When you want to get away from artificial things, Light the Incense Stick, Sit on the chair and close your eyes. And Find the real me inside.
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