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The Men's Fall-Winter 2021 Fashion Show by Louis Vuitton, which is directed by Virgil Abloh, shows the characteristics of the visual elements he's been working on recently. I like it so much that I get goosebumps, so I keep watching it whenever I have time. It's a different boldness from the boldness that Virgil Abloh solved in 2020. In this 2021 FW, you can see Virgil Abloh's message, which has been affected by many events in this 2021 FW.In this show, [Black Lives Matter] related messages are heavily melted. We questioned the unconscious prejudice infused into our society and solved the outdated norms of society with Virgil Ablo's unique dismantlement/reunion. Really, Virgil Abloh seems to be a great storyteller before he was a designer. The bold use of green color is also worth noting. It would be fun to watch how Virgil Abloh's message and design permeate the public and become a trend through Louis Vuitton's 2021 FW:) I've also updated the link in my class notes. :) In the future, I will share recent trends and information with you on my Class > Click Curie Class > Class Home > News tab! Don't forget to watch it!
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