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클래스 스토리14535개의 글

Hello, I saw you on Youtube, bought a book, and applied for a lecture. I want to be a better me than now, not me who was swayed by the glass of the past. I want to improve economic affluence, mental peace, stress-free human relationships, time freedom, and quality of life. I am a mother and a breadwinner who has to protect children. I want to stay as a mother who is not as healthy as others because she is undergoing chemotherapy but is not burdened by children who have no father. It's the biggest gift I can give my kids. Strong mom, free mom, fighting!
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댓글 1개 전체 보기
You're really... amazing. I hope you get well as soon as possible and give your children a present for a long time. I'll be rooting for you.
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ID Lee Eunjoo! I hope you overcome it well and have a long and happy time with your children Let's give them a round of applause
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Eunju, I hope you've recovered well and achieved what you wanted.
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When I entered the academy as a lecturer after graduating from college, I put a small page around the door of the academy thinking that I was learning, and there was a few months that I really worked hard not only with lectures but also with love for children and cleaning hard. I remember when I left the academy three months later when I was a beginner, the director grabbed me and said he would let me set up an academy.There was a time when...^^
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댓글 3개 전체 보기
My child is six years old now, is it too early?
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Six-year-old parents should set a good example. Your parents should come for education.^^
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(Three lines summary) The ability to respond well, ie A person without responsibility cannot succeed. We need responsibility enough to recognize what happened because I didn't do it's my fault. If I can take responsibility for my life like this, what I have to do will become clear and it will manifest itself in action.
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If the true meaning of responsibility is engraved in your mind, you will make a lot of progress. Cheer up. ^^
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Thank you for your great lecture! In order to have knowledge to explain whether I understood well, I created and interpreted a situation in which unconsciousness and consciousness collide. -- A and B promise to go on a diet 3 days ago. Then A and B went to the opening ceremony of a store opened by a friend. Among the countless foods in front of us, A and B caught sight of pizza at the same time. A ended up eating pizza, and B did not because he had to go on a diet. interpretation from the point of view of consciousness and unconsciousness - As soon as A sees pizza, he imagines the taste, smell, and eating pizza, stimulating his appetite, which is an area of instinct. So, did B not imagine pizza? No. I imagined the same thing about pizza, but I didn't eat pizza because the imagination of successful dieting and pride of not eating pizza is deeper in my unconscious mind. It is not a conscious imagination of eating pizza or successful dieting. It was literally judged as an "unconscious. There is a difference between the two in how strongly the imagination they had previously been placed in "unconsciousness" and creating a "concentration and immersion."
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