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클래스 스토리38346개의 글

I'm disabled like Nick Vujicic, but I want to give good influence to many people.Thank you very much. I love you. Bless you.
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댓글 7개 전체 보기
I love you and bless you.
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You're so cool. Thank you. I love you. Bless you.
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Chairman Kelly Choi
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I first met the New Year with Youtube in January, 2018. ~My heart is full of emotion, but I feel overwhelmed by what I can do, so I wrote for a hundred days. I can write with my own handwriting. First, I earned more than 10 million won a month and second, I was happy for my children. Third, I organized my divorce papers before my birthday. Fourth, I had a real navy blue Lexstone van. It was before my birthday, so I just looked pretty, practical, and good looking at the time. 물론 차살돈도없고 가망도 없었으니 희망이었지요) 다섯째는 여하튼 모두모두 점점 더 좋아지기~~다소추상적이지만 시간은많고 좋은말이니까 많이 썼어요My birthday is in June, and I filed for divorce at the district office a week before my birthday. The thing I couldn't solve for 10 years was a week before my birthday. As soon as my car was launched in August, the company rented a car and told me to ride it. Of course, the installment plan, the insurance, the company's burden. The color of the car is dark blue.^^^^ Thankfully, I'm still riding well.~It's a miracle, right?The children are doing well and everything is getting better. I trust you, but I still can't afford it. But I've tasted miracles. I believe I'll make more than 10 million won one day than I do late. I wanted to make the day a little earlier, so I signed up for your lecture, which is just for me! But I still have debt and it's not easy to live, so my fingers are hesitant to pay differently. Butdenarat says I'll give about 1.3 million won for basic income from Corona disaster. 10 percent is exactly for New Year's lecture. 10 percent for me. It's the first time I met New Year's Day in my dream.The whole universe has attracted me here... ..but it's a long story, but I wanted to say thank you in detail some day, so I'm writing it excitedly because you'really.^^Be healthy and have a blessed maniac. Thank you. I love you. Bless you
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댓글 7개 전체 보기
Thank you. I love you. Bless you
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I applied to be more resilient as a person who has experienced miracles thanks to Kim Sae-hae. Thank you. I love you. Bless you~
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I want to taste a miracle.^^ Bless you
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Thank you 5000 times, and then I moved to the exact date of my future measurement six months ago. I experienced a miracle that my bank account balance has been increasing continuously, and I have been going to my bank account for 7 months since I moved here. Thank you. Bless you. I love you.
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댓글 7개 전체 보기
Wow. Thank you. There's something better coming. Congratulations. It's me in the future!!!Bless you a lot.😄🥰❤
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넘치는 기적에 감사
Congratulations~💕 Thank you~💕 I love you~💕 Bless you~💕
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Congratulations on your wonderful experience. It's me in the future^^ Thank you. I love you.Bless you You've become a role model for many people.^^♥
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To bless me and the customers who come to our store, I put a positive affirmation on the stairs that come up.❤❤❤ I am happy every time I climb the stairs.❤
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