찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

I think there are many people who are interested in stocks because of the low growth outlook. In a world where information is pouring in these days, it's also important to know how accurate information is. That's why you study! Studying listed stocks is important, but I thought I should be able to check my status at the unlisted level, which is the root of corporate growth. In fact, I think both studies have good synergy. Even if it's the same lecture, if you study more, you can see what you missed. After I lost my job, I felt a lot that my job and technology didn't guarantee me a lifetime, and I felt that the idea of "working for the next 10 years will make some money" was a delusion. I knew there might be a company I work for during that time, or there might be my business card left.So I felt that I should study the world so that I can see the future and develop an eye for reading trends so that I can live a life of investors for the future as well as a labor wage. I'm so happy that I can have a better chance of learning and check my life thanks to my unemployed job. While living in a world where I have to commercialize myself and provide competitiveness, I feel like I'm already living a different life because I think I should analyze the products of companies. I believe that the place where analysis works is a market where you can return to what you know if you study. As an investor, I want to take a step forward to a better life than yesterday, if not Daesung. I hope everyone in the class will be reborn as such an investor. I'm rooting for everyone ^^
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