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클래스 스토리190개의 글

I didn't understand what I was studying and I just followed it. I had a bad habit of quitting right away, but it was nice to be able to draw a child's face that I had never drawn before.
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Hello, Park Jimin! I'm very proud that it was a new experience for Jimin:)! The child's painting shows both form and proportion well, so it's very perfect! You've followed me very well. I can see that you drew a lot of pictures in the drawing, but I think you might have been stuck when you draw on your face. In terms of proportion, I think she felt awkward with her long face (the skull is a bit long vertically!) Let's continue to draw together in the future so that we can find points that relieve the awkwardness when drawing characters, such as drawing eyebrows or chin thick to give a long impression! Thank you very much for following me! Thank you for your mission.:)
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I got a lot of compliments for posting my last assignment! I was so happy!! I've turned left and right, and I'm totally...! It was a new world. The face of an adult... I'm copying it with my iPad, but I don't know how to save it, so if I try to submit it... It's gone, it's gone when I try to submit it, and it's an opportunity to unintentionally draw a lot of pictures.It was fascinating because it was completely different from the first person I drew! (Strongest chatter) I can't really feel the beautiful curves that are both like your own petals and waves, so I'm also my own Deformé.I changed my hair as an excuse.
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Hello, Younghee! I drew a picture on my iPad and it was so hard to save it.ㅠㅠ I looked it up online and saw the instructions on how to save it. Would you look for it so that it won't happen again?;) If my style is difficult, it's okay to change it to yourself! Younghee's hair style looks like a dresser, but if you change your style, you can use the actual data to draw it, it will look more solid! Furthermore, don't leave a line in such a complicated style, but fill it up so that it doesn't gap. Please look at the location of your fingers again and refer to the data to complete your hair. The good thing about this is that you don't have to paint a lot! Good job on the mission! Thank you for following me.
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I've never done a proper painting before, so I decided to take a class of NEMNEM with a determination to complete one piece ♡ Please continue to take good care of me.
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Hello, turnip! I think completing a painting is the most important thing! Let's get used to drawing and expressing together as we draw:) Thank you for believing in us! I look forward to your kind cooperation!
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As I drew it, I realized that I was weak in detail. I followed my hair a lot, and I drew it like I usually do. And after I finished drawing, my face got longer, so I changed it quickly... Hhhh;
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