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There are people who find it difficult to attach the string to use when walking mini-months, so we upgraded it to a class note reference. There are many ways to hang a monthly king, but I'll explain it in one of the simple ways. I'm going to tie the strap about 80cm to both sides of the wooden stick. Wrap it up from the back of the wooden stick 30cm at the end. Make a ring and pull it out from the top of the wooden stick with the ring that you can tighten it. (Refer to the class note photo and follow along slowly.) If you hang both of them like this, you can hang them on the wooden stick from the back of the moonwalking and tie the strings together. When you clean up the Fringe, it will be easier if you take care of the threads that are twisted into 3 strands and untie them and make straight debts.
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