찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

클래스 스토리7585개의 글

Looking at me, who always ups and downs of frustration and new resolutions but becomes determined for three days again, I realized that mind-set and mental management are really important. Then, I met Kim Sae-hae for the first time through YouTube, and recently I watched several episodes of Shin Sam-dang's YouTube, and I deeply sympathized with the idea that making myself and others "highly focused and immersed" is the way to succeed in life. Through this class, I sincerely hope to relieve the fear that lies deep in my unconscious mind and become a new me.
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Yes, it's nice to meet you. I think you're already motivated to improve. I hope you find the answer in my lecture.^^
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I want to have a good influence by using the opportunity to protect my growth and the power of unconsciousness in practice through the lecture of Instructor Park Se-ni, who I learned through the Awake book. I want to enjoy my life.
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You've been saying all the good things for about 13 minutes. I wrote it all down because I didn't want to miss it. I watched a lot of videos. I watched all of them. What was it? There are a lot of times I do it. I wanted to focus more than usual. Starting today, my goal is to write a lecture one by one. I should start from what I can. It reminds me of the saying that the beginning is small but the end will be grand. Like snowflakes are avalanche. I'll start today, too! It is. Thank you. Cheer up.
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Yeah, you're very cool. I'm sure this passionate man will do well. Cheer up^^
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I've seen a lot of lectures, but I think I've learned a lot, so I've been reading comments from Lee Jiyoung and writing them down from now on, I've been watching all the time. It's definitely good to see you in person. Thank you for your good feedback.^^
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Wow, don't think of elephants. That reminds me of elephants. I learned today why I lost to late-night snacks every night. From now on, we will set the right goals and focus not on "not eating late-night snacks," but on "having a nice body and good health." Thank you for your kind words today. ^^
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Yes. Focus on what you want.^^
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I will be a successful person who is recognized by everyone. (1st - 1 month goal) I weigh 58kg to fit my height. I wake up at 5 in the morning and start a precious day with me for 2 hours. (meditation, reading, exercise, writing) - I have a healthy meal 3 times a day. - I will work three hours a day for the next month until I make a pipeline and get used to the process. (Study/Execute Smart Store) - Three years later, you'll be rich with 2 billion cash. - In 10 years, you'll be rich with 100.4 billion cash. On the basis of all this success, I make a diary and checklist with Director Park Seni to practice specific habits to control my unconscious world. Thank you.
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