찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

I caught it with my nose and followed her. Then let me ask you a question. Do you only catch it when you're wearing rubber band? Like a cardigan. When you make clothes that don't start with rubber bands, you hold your nose. Like this one, you fold your neck and neck long, or when you make clothes that start with rubber bands and go down to the top, you hold your nose like this. I've heard of the wobbly nose. I didn't know it was this different from the regular nose.The ends are so neat and pretty as if they're finished with a tap needle.And can you shake your nose only when you have a rubber band? Thumb index finger going back and forth? Can't you hold a snore? I'm curious again!I just finished with an even number and started not to open it up. If it ends with an odd number, my first nose will be the outer nose. Should I filter out the outer layer? There are too many questions, right? But learning how to hold my nose makes me curious.lol
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