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클래스 스토리336개의 글

크리에이터가 고정함
Sarah & Oliver
The video was taken based on adult size. Please refer to it!
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Sarah & Oliver
Oh, my God! Shoulder therapy would take a while, but I understand that ㅜㅜ videos are hard to download. ㅠㅠ Oh, my God.😭
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Until when can I read it?
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Sarah & Oliver
The course period is 20 weeks.^^ It's not something I can decide, so I suggest you contact the 101-class customer center.^^;
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크리에이터가 고정함
Sarah & Oliver
Hello, classmates! I heard that the weather in Korea has gotten very cold, but I'm worried if everyone is healthy. First of all, I sincerely apologize. I'm currently living abroad, so I'm collaborating with a Korean company for this class kit, and I think there was some misunderstanding in communication with the company. As a result, we now know that among the components of the kit that I sent you, the 3.5mm 40cm circumference needle used for hat lifting has been shipped at 80cm. ㅜㅜ As soon as I checked, the 40-centimeter circumference needle is out of stock now, and it is difficult to exchange it because it is not in stock even though it is sold out by the importer. Therefore, 80cm needles will be used in classes in the future. I am really sorry for the confusion and inconvenience to my classmates. ㅠㅠ Please use the Magic Roof and the Gloves Needle as instructed in the "Learning the Magic Loop" lecture in Chapter 3-3 of the class when you lift the hat with a 80cm needle. If you have any difficulties or questions while working with a 80-centimeter-long needle, please contact the class community and I'll help you in detail. Once again, I sincerely apologize for the confusion.
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I caught it with my nose and followed her. Then let me ask you a question. Do you only catch it when you're wearing rubber band? Like a cardigan. When you make clothes that don't start with rubber bands, you hold your nose. Like this one, you fold your neck and neck long, or when you make clothes that start with rubber bands and go down to the top, you hold your nose like this. I've heard of the wobbly nose. I didn't know it was this different from the regular nose.The ends are so neat and pretty as if they're finished with a tap needle.And can you shake your nose only when you have a rubber band? Thumb index finger going back and forth? Can't you hold a snore? I'm curious again!I just finished with an even number and started not to open it up. If it ends with an odd number, my first nose will be the outer nose. Should I filter out the outer layer? There are too many questions, right? But learning how to hold my nose makes me curious.lol
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Oh, sorry for asking so many questions. I didn't know how to choose the size yet. I bought the size 9-10 because I didn't know. My kid is 1st grade in elementary school. He's tall and slim. I'm still thinking about whether he'll be 7 to 8 years old or 9 to 10 years old, so I was wondering if you could tell me what size Sarah and Oliver's size she's wearing in the women's size.
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Sarah & Oliver
You've done a great job.^^ An important part of perfection is the edge finish. The edge of the wobbly nose is round and the nose is naturally connected, so the wobbly nose is much more complete. ^^ The wobbly nose is used to start the rubber band. Use only for rubber stacks. And you can do both rubber and rubber.I only showed you Han-Ko Rubber using Han-Ko Rubber.^^ And yes, if the outside is the first coil, you can also filter out the outside from the first layer, the outside from the second level, and the outside from the first and second layers.
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Sarah & Oliver
The model wore a female M size.He was 167 cm tall.I think it would be best to choose the size based on the size of the chest and the length of the design.^^ Any time you have any questions, regardless of the time difference:) I'll answer them as soon as I check.^^
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It's a very, very, very pretty outfit 😍 I can't believe it's made with my own hands. If I have a chance, I want to make other clothes for Sarah and Oliver, too!
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