찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

Hello, classmates! I heard that the weather in Korea has gotten very cold, but I'm worried if everyone is healthy. First of all, I sincerely apologize. I'm currently living abroad, so I'm collaborating with a Korean company for this class kit, and I think there was some misunderstanding in communication with the company. As a result, we now know that among the components of the kit that I sent you, the 3.5mm 40cm circumference needle used for hat lifting has been shipped at 80cm. ㅜㅜ As soon as I checked, the 40-centimeter circumference needle is out of stock now, and it is difficult to exchange it because it is not in stock even though it is sold out by the importer. Therefore, 80cm needles will be used in classes in the future. I am really sorry for the confusion and inconvenience to my classmates. ㅠㅠ Please use the Magic Roof and the Gloves Needle as instructed in the "Learning the Magic Loop" lecture in Chapter 3-3 of the class when you lift the hat with a 80cm needle. If you have any difficulties or questions while working with a 80-centimeter-long needle, please contact the class community and I'll help you in detail. Once again, I sincerely apologize for the confusion.
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