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클래스 스토리10927개의 글

My teacher channel is influencer with 100,000 subscribers. In fact, when I gave birth to my first child, I started Instagram and communicated with him at the same time, but when I quit Instagram for about a year and started Instagram again when I gave birth to my second child, he grew a lot. I felt that steady sincerity was really unbeatable. As the instructor said, I learned a lot from her first feed. 1. Her first start was a feed that imitated her daily life and so-called Instagram feeling. However, she steadily posted 1-2 photos every day and saw her communicating with comments very hard. I don't know how much she communicated on her Instagram, but even if she wrote a line with the people who came to her feed, she seemed to attract favor from her opponent by communicating with witty comments. 2. After eight months of steady activity and learning her taste, people start to talk about her finding simple items well. There are over 100 likes. 3. He consistently uploads his own household items and childcare items, shares his tastes and information, and easily leads to empathy and conversations with other mothers about late-night snacks and dieting. 4. The market will start 10 months after the full-scale start. I posted it on Instagram and used the blog sales format. This tool hits the jackpot. It starts operating the market periodically. 5. Average number of likes reached 300-500 in a year. 5. While moving, the interior and house will be unveiled, and the tools of household items will be expanded further. The so-called Instagram hot item is the first to purchase, use, and share honest reviews. 6. Mothers seem to approach the way they always reply to the comments and enjoy communication more easily. Review event. We start to actively utilize all comment events. 7. It's been about six years since she started Instagram, and she's still actively engaged in the above activities and has 100,000 followers.
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댓글 7개 전체 보기
Thank you for the good information I think I should look for it like this^^
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The comments helped a lot! Thank you. :) I'll do my best to mark the person I've been looking at
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The comments are so nice!
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I'm a beginner seller who opened a smart store. I felt a limit to attracting customers. I realized that selling it at a low price doesn't mean you're buying it' Now, I'm going to gatherings My arms will become people.
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I agree with the idea that low-cost competition is not the answer. That's why I chose the rich sister's lecture.
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I'm going to try using a smart store or Instagram market. I'm excited.
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Until the day I use Instagram 101%. Two years have passed since I started the smart store, but I'm going to start again after being closed. It's a shame that I wasted two years of precious time just opening it without studying. I hope we can finish the race without a short-lived resolution.
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Hello, I'm a mother of a 6-year-old daughter. I want to sell products that mothers and children need. As you taught me, I'm trying to communicate with you friendly ^^ ID: jjin_dream_life Please come and play.^^
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Eonnisaem k costs, the instruction, and I! / subscription to YouTube a book, too. And I paid for this lecture to take it, too! After listening to your lecture, I reached my goal. I live in Yongin and I want to buy pretty flowers and say thank you to Dongtan office.^^ I'll do my best!
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