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클래스 스토리7279개의 글

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I gave up drawing twerking and put a soft effect on the 8-8 hearts.
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Roundy Poundy
You're so good. Perfect. Perfect. 😇😇😇 You may graduate early 😇😇😇 I'm just amazed. I'd like to tell you one more thing, but if I tell you one more thing, you're doing it. 🤣🤣🤣 I can't find anything to give you feedback. Ask me if you're having a hard time! You're so good at both drawing and motion, and you can come up with an emoticon proposal file and put it in right away. 👍👍 !
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크리에이터가 고정함
At first, I followed the way I said hello while watching the lecture, and then I drew while looking at the real Kakao Talk emoticon! I felt like the frame was breaking because I had to modify the frame one by one and watch the movement. I feel like I need to add 10 more frames between them to move really smoothly.Depending on how the character moves, I think I need to find out and practice how to move other parts. Thank you for your lecture today. Writer!
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Thank you so much for complimenting me like this much.😍😍😍 While drawing that, I was exhausted after a lot of work and time, but the writer said so many good things. 😭💗💗💗 Actually, I can't write that character in a similar way, but I want to make my own character and show it to the writer! Like you, I will work hard until the emoticon is released.
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Roundy Poundy
I don't have a character that's associated with Soeun's character, so I think I can just write it as it is. If Soeun's opinion is like that, 😭😭 I look forward to seeing your growth 👍👍 I'll try my best to help you in the future. Fighting!👊👊💕
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It's so beautiful.💛💛💛
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크리에이터가 고정함
Roundy Poundy
💙 Procreate 2021/11/02 Update 💙 The one we've been waiting for. There's a new function to store the size of the brush! If you follow what I put up, you can save the size of the brush.
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Wow, I'm done, too. It's fun. I'm going to love my first character. Thank you for teaching me well.
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Roundy Poundy
Hello, ID 10 years again! You did a great job completing the mission with a cute rabbit If you have any difficulties during class, please feel free to ask and thank you for listening 😊😊👍👍👍
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크리에이터가 고정함
Hello, writer! I came to let you know because I got approval for the little character I was making since last time. I was able to learn how important the concept is while taking the class.ㅠㅠ Thank you for your feedback over the past few months (I've been bothering you every time through email, but thank you for always replying to me)ㅠㅠ) I think I was able to get approval because the writer set the message and design in a cuter way!ㅠㅠ Thank you and we'll continue to work hard!
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