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클래스 스토리2170개의 글

Hello, carrot vending machine. You know when you get a reality check after you tighten your belt? I wonder how Carrot Jaffangi was able to make up his mind and move forward.
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Hello That's a really good question. The way I get my mind together when I get a reality hit is... I've spent all my money on seed money. I look at real estate and rent. And If I think about buying another ice cream, Now the desire to spend money is gone.
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If you paid 100 million won back in 16 months, that means you're paying a lot of money and making a lot of money.
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It's the average income of double-income workers in their late 30s. I can't say it's completely small. But when I paid back 100 million won, The monthly meal fee, including one elementary school student and one kindergarten student, was 160,000 won. I have experienced the end of how much I can live to the end. in torn sneakers I'm carrying a bag that's loose. I put aside all the travel and tried to find out where my limitations were with the aim of saving thoroughly. What I was able to do was... Because he had a goal. All I want to say is, It was never possible because of the large income ^^ There are still people who earn less than I do, but still collect more. There are people who earn more than I do, but they collect much less. You'll find that your income doesn't matter if you proceed with the class. ^^ way to go
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I'm sorry to hang it here. The mission came up, but I couldn't find a place to write, so I put it on here. ㅜㅜ I'm not sure if the carrot vending machine will be able to see this. ㅜㅜ
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Yes, yes. Good job. ^^ Thank you for your hard work.
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Hello~^^ I'm writing my first diary, so it's so hard to categorize. It's hard to recall past spending because it's a three-second memory. But we're in the process! I have two questions while writing. 1. What should I do to pay for food in advance? 2. I'm saving money for purposes (good use, travel expenses), but are these types of items right to be set aside for spending? It's my first time, so I'm slow, but I want to make a habit of keeping accounts.
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Hello, right, right. But if you set it up in the beginning, it'll get better. 1. What should I do to pay for food in advance? Instead of charging it as an expense, you can enter it as an expense every time you use it. 2. I'm saving money for purposes (good use, travel expenses), but are these types of items right to be set aside for spending? Yeah, it's all expenses. I'm actually spending my travel expenses. It's also an allowance. They all spend within a reasonable range.
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I've been spending too much money on unexpected things. I think we need to cut back on snacks and eating out.
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