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클래스 스토리136개의 글

크리에이터가 고정함
I'm. Yubin. Alice! I just got the kit.🤗 Look at the color card on your lips and look in the mirror. I don't know if I can't look at myself coolly. I can't tell the right color for my face.😭 It doesn't look good on me. I think only the second card suits you. I can't even be confident.
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Oh, you don't have to be sure.^^ As soon as you upload it as the first diagnosis, there will be colors that are not too much. Except for those colors, it would be easier if you compare them in pairs among the rest of the colors. I think it's okay for people with a wide range of brightness and saturation, but I don't think there's a vest either! Just filter out the weird colors. Find out what the rest of the colors have in common. But if you don't know, take a picture and upload it. I'll give you feedback.^^ (Please share the results of the previous checklist and pouch diagnosis together.)~) It's hard to pinpoint color card diagnoses by yourself. The checklist and the results of the pouch diagnostics. I think it'll be easier if you keep that in mind.
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Lee Hyo-ri It's about lip and style makeup. It's like unifying it in a similar style. Sporty outfits with bright lips. A dense lip with a leopard-like sexiness.
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I've never used up a single lipstick. The lipstick that looked good on me looks weird when the season changes or I don't use it for a long time. I want to make small amounts of lipstick rather than keep buying it.
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I don't know because I don't know much about it, but Suzy looks great in various lipsticks. From a nude type of pink to an intense red... I think it's possible because your face is pretty, but I think it's possible because your face tone is not too warm or cool.
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