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I saw the video after I finished drawing the work, and I was really surprised when the image and the way they worked overlapped with the artist! After painting with a combination of colored pencils and pastels, the band and clouds were painted with watercolors and oil pastels to make the light brighter. When I thought of it as something precious, I was reminded of the cold and refreshing winter breeze that I felt today. And I felt that it was thanks to a peaceful mind and a healthy body that made me feel good about this wind. The bright lights and nature that are shining in the room came to mind. When I closed my eyes and thought about it, I felt that the present is very precious. I know how precious it is to look back on precious things, and I know that this moment in it is very precious. The first images that came to mind were green trees and clear water. A field that makes you feel comfortable and can sprout all possibilities. If you look closely, there are small branches. Clear water that seems to project a peaceful mind. Water exists in many forms, but it affects our lives in all of them. The light itself is hopeful and gives me energy, and it seems like someone else's warm heart. the chilly and refreshing breeze that runs through it The pink band that holds it all in a circle is love. All the warm hearts we share, family, friendship, and even humanity. I feel thankful because it is a world with love. The sky looked empty after I finished drawing it. And then the clouds suddenly came to my mind. I don't think I can feel the preciousness of being in the light. One day, when the shadow falls and the darkness approaches, I realize the importance of light and live more gratefully. Maybe everything becomes more precious when there is shade. I didn't want to just paint it dark because I knew that the clouds that would pass through my life would give me another realization and a new mind. So I mixed pretty colors and added white and water to express it. Today is also a very precious day.♡
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