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Hello, this is Dor! Thank you for your hard work! Among the people who completed my lecture, The classmates who think this class is worth it. So far, you've been on a long journey to write a comprehensive comment on your feelings, your thoughts, your changes before and after the course. OUTRO and WELCOME - 3 [How to utilize self-prediction and a 200% growthable life algorithm] Please leave it with me on the video! *If you're having a hard time writing comments, you can copy them! I'd like to thank everyone who's been working so hard to take the class in the best results you've ever had. If you could brag about it in advance, the light in your life would be better. I think you can share it with your future classmates. A man of good influence...♥] In addition, we are holding an event only for those who are stubborn until January 31st. If you're curious about this, please check out my Class 101 Community tab! Thank you for running so well and I was happy to be with you! As much as you've reached Myeong-ri, let's live a harder life.🙋‍♂️ Thank you very much for running with us all this time.❤️
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