찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

클래스 스토리253개의 글

Teacher ^^ I'm so proud and pretty after completing it. The process wasn't easy and I kept tilting and poking the needle here and there. ㅜㅜ I'm excited about the works that I'll continue to fill as I make them one by one 💜
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Sogyo Embroidery
You did a great job.^^ There is no sign of tilting.I feel like I did a good job without hesitation. When you put the number down, you tilt your head. Even now, still, I'm leaning and embroidery. However, in my experience, I always know that everything is buried when I complete it, so I don't stop at the goal. You'll think about it one by one and you'll gain experience as you'll get more experience. Your skills will improve and you will be able to enjoy it comfortably. Fighting! Have a nice day today!^^
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I embroidered a cute succulent.^^ It's my first time to embroider it with a string, but now that I've embroidered it, it feels so good! It's my cup of tea.~ It wasn't easy to embroider succulent leaves. I'm going to practice more while embroidery here and there.
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댓글 1개 전체 보기
Thank you ❤️ Teacher! It's an amount of 1 molar.ㅜㅜ I think it's much prettier even if it takes a long time! And I could feel the water splits between the threads.^^
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Sogyo Embroidery
Isn't it? I'm tired of putting the beginner at 1 goal.If you're familiar with numbers, it's good to feel more natural water if you use 1ol. You'll be able to feel the natural water if you do the next embroidery parang. When you get used to it, it's really, really fun. Hahaha
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The succulent is complete. I mixed 1 and 2 rolls of succulents.~£ I can't see the 840 embroidery room because of the thick color of the lace in the gift-wrap house. I learned something nice from this flower pot.^^ I'm bringing it to the market today.^^
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Thanks to the package you've carefully prepared, it's a great piece of work.👍💜 Thank you. I am more proud of the process of making the works I saw in your book, which is a good time to meet me.-♡ I'll try to make the next work comfortably.^^
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Sogyo Embroidery
Wow! You did a great job! It would have been uncomfortable to embroider if I lowered the design to the bottom, but I'm glad that you put it in a sincere and enjoyable way at the expense of the inconvenience. As much as I worked hard, the composition is stable and the flowers are pretty as if they are blooming from the ground. I'll look forward to your next work.^^ Have a nice day today~^^
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The raspberries are pretty. I'll make a few more and practice more.~^^
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