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클래스 스토리9219개의 글

크리에이터가 고정함
I really enjoyed this exercise!
Bryce Kho
Merdet. All of these are AMAZING. Thank you for SO much practice each and every time. Very nice line quality in these on this mission! So many rotations. So much 3D processing. Your missions feed my soul. In particular I'd like to shout out: 1) the cone on Goopy Ice Cream guy, especially the one on the top right 2) the items fitting nicely inside the truck nicely each time 3) high angle vending machine 4) The smooth circle plane beneath the truck. 5) Planar distinctions of the petals/leaves on the simplified plants on the vending machine. Great attention to detail in general. No notes. Very nicely done! I'm glad you enjoyed this exercise!
This looks great! You're inspiring me to keep going. So thank you Merdet.
크리에이터가 고정함
Classmate 69
It was a deceptively difficult and good exercise. The more i drew, the more I was able to figure out what I was doing wrong and changed how I was simplifying the objects, so that's good. I tried keeping my lines as clean as I could. I can see a lot of alignment problems, any tips for that? Also, I drew on both sides of the sheet of paper in the sketchbook, is that okay?
댓글 4개 전체 보기
Bryce Kho
3) Notice how Vic used a different color pen to line up the astronaut on the bottom right! For more on what Vic did right: or more on this see: ALIGNING OBJECTS INSIDE OF A BOX: https://www.notion.so/Aligning-objects-inside-of-a-box-b9c6bdc2eb5a4f5ba5f804593798f483 Vic noticed what was wrong with the alignment, and redrew it correctly! The BEST way to improve is not to never make mistakes, but to look straight at your mistakes and just try again to the side, but with the intention of trying to learn from it! Please do this without punishing yourself! Don't give yourself a hard time. I say this because I often give myself a hard time, and I know it's hard to see a mistake and not feel anything, lol, but the more you practice the more you'll be able to get up and try again, I promise!
Bryce Kho
4) Vic has very clean lines! Try to avoid hesitant, furry, or sketchy lines as much as possible. Sketchy, furry lines often are a result of trying to go fast to block in an idea before you really have it in your head. I'd like you to try to formulate the idea in your head first! Know the line you want to draw first so you can avoid having to find it on the page. You'll see here Vic is very decisive! There are of course, like mentioned in my last comment, corrections and such, but that's quite normal on a practice drawing, and definitely ok. Just do your best to draw AFTER you've determined the correct edge of the box, etc. For more on this, see: AVIOIDING SKETCHY LINES: https://www.notion.so/Sketchy-Lines-35d67b3017d341d29253949445878d63 DRAWING THE LINE YOU WANT: https://www.notion.so/Increasing-Dexterity-Drawing-the-line-you-want-437bfa5cfca7496eb95cfa0dbf13f6cf
Bryce Kho
5) Vic did a great job with FINISHED shapes! All parts of EACH shape of the structure are finished. This may be a small thing to point out, BUT it really shows that you understand the object when you complete and connect everything. Sometimes when we simplify something, we may not finish each plane or each edge because it "looks finished" but for this exercise, try to finish all the edges so you can truly understand through the 3D volume and structure. For example, a common error I've been seeing is that at the elbows and joints of the astronaut, people have merged the shapes together. Separating the forearm and the upper arm into two separate shapes is important when the are two different boxes tilting in different directions! For more, see: CONNECTING LIMBS: https://www.notion.so/Connecting-Limbs-9573961b8efc4c598b34a19de2b9c8ba
크리에이터가 고정함
Hello Bryce! Sorry I'm reposting this comment, I think it posted underneath the previous class's video heh
댓글 2개 전체 보기
Bryce Kho
ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS! I have pinned this exemplar by Caroline for several reasons and I will detail this below! Please read through and look through the notion pages to find help when you have issues or problems with this mission! 1) Caroline did a great job ramping up from the basic shape rotations, to the mild all the way to the extra hot! I know it can be tempting to go straight into the spicy option, but I really find that warming up/drilling foundations are always helpful! Drawing a box with all the accurate edges can actually be harder than drawing a more detailed object sometimes! For more on accurate boxes see: Bryce's Resource: BASIC SHAPE FORESHORTENING https://www.notion.so/Basic-Shape-Foreshortening-7e3856ab42ef4c89936d6e9ea3e0cc15 Outside Resource: DRAW A BOX https://drawabox.com/lesson/250boxes Outside Resource: ERNST AND NORLING https://tinyurl.com/46xrr6u4 and https://tinyurl.com/ukmsez3r
Bryce Kho
2) Caroline has a great sense of where to start and where to approximate the vanishing points of these reference images! I think that a background in understanding perspective is where this how they are able to make such accurate images. For more on perspective: ALIGNING SHAPES TO VANISHING POINTS: https://www.notion.so/Aligning-Shapes-to-Vanishing-Points-b8c6e1b4ff6a4037abd7a33f2f6890cb](https://www.notion.so/Aligning-Shapes-to-Vanishing-Points-b8c6e1b4ff6a4037abd7a33f2f6890cb) 3) Caroline did a great job finishing all the shapes and drawing in not only the boxes that are the lanterns or objects and props, but also the MACRO shapes. By that I mean, in this case, they are the larger buildings/floor/walls that the smaller boxes are sitting on top of. Seeing the whole room or the whole area as inside of a box will help with seeing the depth, the angle of the floor, etc. For more on macro shapes: MACRO SHAPES: https://www.notion.so/Macro-Shapes-1af6785cf11a4970870a156a05298405
Bryce Kho
4) Shout out to Caroline's cylinders! Sometimes drawing the ellipses (circles at the end of cylinders) can be hard in ink and also sometimes hard to indicate how they tilt! For more on cylinders: CYLINDER PRACTICE: https://www.notion.so/Cylinder-Orientation-25d01a8de7514835bcc50a479abbbf02 ELLIPSES PRACTICE: https://www.notion.so/Circle-and-Ellipses-Practice-98de3e522d8441a69eb0db61c257e14d 5) In general, you can see Caroline and so many other wonderful student examples below! A question that I get a lot is "I understand perspective but how do I draw so I can avoid sketching out the vanishing point/perspective lines and grids/horizon line, etc?" The short answer is, I draw very very slowly. I do a lot of thinking so my mind can process what I need to figure out what I need to draw! The long answer is here: WHERE TO START TO AVOID SKETCHING: https://www.notion.so/Where-to-Start-to-avoid-sketching-3f346b154d6d4298887a2ca9ea79d3d5
크리에이터가 고정함
Hi, Bryce :) here is the homework for this class. Thank you so much for the detailed feedback on my previous 2 missions, it was super helpful! Currently trying to improve on accuracy as suggested. Here is the mild sushi option. ( I did a check with the 3D model after and made some notes with the orange pen, sorry it's a bit messy!)
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