찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

Hello, teacher! I've been waiting so long.^^ I took all the classes on my first day. Hehe~ I'm waiting for Wednesday again. The beginning of the natural drawing was observation and interest. I experienced myself here while drawing. How much can I experience the vivid moments when all my senses are focused on what I'm doing now? It was a very precious time. I wanted to be good at drawing, but I said, "There's not enough here, and what do we do here?I've been given feedback and guidance.So I want to draw, but I think I'm ashamed of my drawing. I can't say I'm hesitant about drawing...ㅜㅜ In some classes, there is a formula for drawing, but I don't know because I don't have a natural sense. I've experienced frustration. In the natural drawing class, I reacted slowly and differently as if I had met a paper and pen for the first time, as if I had never seen my hand before. The result is so satisfying. I think it's more because the process is comfortable and enjoyable. I started to look at the object with a curious eye with a desire to continue drawing. I think you've lost a lot of things.^^ And I really like the picture that my left hand drew crookedly. It makes me want to save my left hand as if I met a precious ingredient.I don't think I'll get that feeling when I get used to it.^^ I'm glad and happy that it's not just about copying someone's drawing, but about my drawing class.Thank you so much for telling me calmly and affectionately that it's okay and explaining how to start drawing.^^
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