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클래스 스토리1434개의 글

I was very happy to be able to draw the starry sweets of the teacher I always admired (´.ω✪.`)💖 I was conscious of not drawing too many lines on the cup to the bottom, but soft and water-colored ✨ I like the star grades on the upper right and upper left of the cupcake😚 Turning through the sketchbook in turn makes me really happy that it becomes a lovely sketchbook like a treasure following doughnuts, cupcakes, starry sky, and starry sweets😍✨ And I'm going to spread the doughnut chocolate a little more.( 笑 ) 💦 I'll try to make the crescent shape of the cupcake a bit cuter too😅 Thank you ‼️🙇♀️
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とても可愛らしく幻想的なスイーツが完成しました! ドーナツもカップケーキも良く描けています。カップの線のボカシ具合は意識されたとあって、バッチリな仕上がりです!前回描かれたキャロット、チョコミントのカップケーキよりも上達されているのが見て分かります。立体感と影の入れ方、濃さも全体で見た際のバランスがさらに良くなっていますね! 出来上がった完成イラストを眺めて喜んでくださっている姿を思い浮かべると、私もとても嬉しくなります♪ このイラストからもご自身で次の課題を見つけていらっしゃるので、そこも素晴らしいです!また描かれた時はぜひ見せてください^^
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It was definitely more difficult than last time, but now that I've done it this far, I'm starting to look cute even if I'm ugly. Honestly, I don't like eating chocolate mint, but I love color combinations, so I want to be able to paint them cuter! I thought the cream's fluffy feeling went well, but the cupcake itself was difficult.I felt that I was not good at understanding the overall composition.
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The cupcake also looks delicious!Both carrot cupcakes and chocolate mint cupcakes are brightly colored.It's because I don't touch it too much with a brush, and where I want to make paint darker is painted.Watercolor is a difficult part of that, but you're doing it perfectly ♪ The thin lines on the top of the cup are really great.There are also strengths and weaknesses in these thin lines, and they are drawn to match the direction of the shadow, so they naturally and sharpen the three-dimensional effect. I love the color combination of chocolate mint!This color is really cute, isn't it? ♪ I can feel how you enjoyed painting. The fluffy feeling of the cream is also expressed very well.The fluffy shadow is also drawn, so you can see that it is on top of the cake and it looks very delicious! I feel that there is no problem with the overall composition.The cream, the cake, the cup, and the whole are all well-balanced! I'm looking forward to the next picture too♪
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The amount of paint and water was difficult, but it was really fun!The many colors lined up are beautiful, and just looking at the color samples makes your eyes flutter with color.I like all colors, but the lilac, brilliant pink, and cobalt green colors on the palette are especially cute and I love them so much that I can't stop looking at them.
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I'm glad that you had fun working on it♪ I think you will gradually get used to the amount of water while using it.Even among color samples, you can see that it has already improved as you go downstairs. Burnt Amber and brilliant pink gradations are especially beautiful.I'm sure you'll get the hang of the water content right away! It's cute to see the colors of the color samples lined up.The ribbon attached to the paint name makes it even cuter♪ Brilliant pink and cobalt green are colors that will be used for sweets from now on, and I also like them.Let's draw sweets together using these colors!
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I struggled in the sketch stage, but after seeing the teacher's example many times, I enjoyed drawing (o^^)o )
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