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Owner characteristics a warm and friendly personality Always wearing a couple ring and cross necklace. With emerald eyes and diamond eyes, I hate the heat, so I always wear leggings and shorts with short sleeves that lift my shoulders. When angry, his eyes turn black and when he gets really angry (?) red. a fondness for deep thinking and neatness Never laugh unless you're close. OwnerCat Settings Summary The third youngest born between Satan's father and his human mother. Daddy hated him by killing his mother and first brother and setting fire to his house. (Fearful of fire after that day) Once again, he met with the researchers looking for heroes to fight the demons and added them to the strongest team, SF. If you solve all those cases and problems, you're going to fight the demons.Was it too short...?) The worldview is a story about a hero fighting each other because of Satan and demons that suddenly appeared. This is the whole story! There are characters' personal stories and so on in it contains!
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