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클래스 스토리31개의 글

1. SWOT Analysis of Me -Strength: High grade at 3.78, somewhat meticulous, fits well with management support job, holds computer skills level 2 certificate and word processor certificate required for office job, graduated from a human capital university, gained four months of experience in office assistance in the National Employment Support System work experience program, takes responsibility for the job and executes it until the end, and tries to correct any shortcomings because they are active in self-development. I'm in my mid-20s, so I'm not that old yet. -Weakness: I'm not good at interviews because I'm very introverted and can't speak well. Management support jobs have a lot of communication, so this can be a disadvantage. Word processor and computer literacy level 2 certificates are common to others, so they can be less discriminating. No other certificate exists. Due to the lack of a driver's license, business trips are frequent or work is far from home. However, since it is currently in the stage of obtaining a driver's license, its weakness will disappear once it is acquired. There are many other applicants with a TOEIC score of 700, which can be disadvantageous in places where many foreign languages are viewed. Since your major is Korean literature, if you want to get a job in a general office, you may be at a disadvantage compared to your major. Although they participated in the international work experience program, there are interviewers who doubt whether they will be able to work for a long time during the interview due to their lack of career recognition and short period of time. Opportunity: Since we have a national employment support system, a counselor may send you a recommendation notice and apply for it, and you may get an unexpected pass. Since you live in Gyeonggi-do, you can apply for a fixed-term job posting in Gyeonggi-do and build your career there. Threat: Covid can be very difficult to get accepted because businesses see job experience as their top priority and even interns see a lot of relevant experience. In the aftermath of Corona, it is difficult to apply for new employees because fewer people are selected than before and there are many preferential treatment for experienced workers. (Continued in replies due to character limit)
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2. four strategies SO: If participants in the National Employment Support System join the company, it may be advantageous to appeal to the company. It may be advantageous to reapply to a company where you worked through a work experience program as a general recruitment later. ST: To actively appeal to the self-introduction and interviews of the achievements made in the work experience program WO: Apply as a second-hand recruit by gaining experience and experience through fixed-term recruitment, understand my current status through a government-based counselor and apply mainly for companies with a high acceptance rate, and use self-introduction and interview coaching supported by the government-based system WT: Get more experience as an intern or part-time worker, and fix weaknesses by applying for part-time jobs where you can gain work experience while talking to people a lot because you are not good at talking with people (Continued in the reply due to the number of characters exceeded)
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3. Major SWOT Analysis Strengths: This can be helpful when companies write analysis reports because there are a lot of literary work analysis reports in the task. Publishers or companies operating in the field of Korean language education may be given preferential treatment because they have basic knowledge. Weakness: Since he is a non-commercial liberal arts major, he is at a disadvantage because he does not have any major knowledge compared to the business major when applying for a general office job. Opportunity: Applications to companies related to this can be helpful because AI advances require language knowledge needed to develop chatbot services. It could be advantageous in this regard as there are criticisms that the MZ generation is very poor in literacy these days. Crisis: Because the manufacturing industry has developed a lot in our country, there are many limited industries that liberal arts can support. Many companies hire more science than liberal arts. School SWOT Analysis Strengths: Since it is an upper-middle-class university in the human capital area, it has a better academic background than local private universities, so if you do well, you may get a job at a mid-sized company or a large company. There is a perception that our school graduates are sincere, so a company with employees from our school may consider this good. Weakness: Since you have a lower academic background compared to In Seoul National University, it can be very difficult to get a job at a good company like a large company. Opportunity: You can apply if you have enough preparation because you don't look at academic background due to blind recruitment. Crisis: It is still very disadvantageous to pass a large company that sees a lot of academic backgrounds because of its strong preference for academic background.
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Depending on where I want to get a job or where I apply, the contents of the swot analysis may change. When you decide on the field you want or the company you want to support specifically, consider the characteristics of the company and rewrite it You wrote the content well right now
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The examination is complete!
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Hello, Trian I'm informing you because your name and other personal information are exposed in the uploaded data. The hexagonal model of interest has a more specific interest, the more crushed it is than a regular hexagon, but overall the hexagonal shape is a little smaller, so I think it would be better if you pay attention to various parts
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1. 성ᄉᆞᅡᆼ Growth: 1 2. Self-realization: Three 3. Consideration: 2 4. Love: 0 pieces 5. Peace: Six 6. Happiness: Four 7. Health: Five Top Three: Peace, Health, and Happiness an important reason -Peace: Peace has a wide range of things from trivial things like inner and family peace to world peace. I basically have a tendency to hate fights and bickering and I hate my parents' marital fights or arguments in comments on the internet, and even more, wars between countries. Therefore, everyone values peace in the hope that it will be peaceful. -Health: If you are not healthy, you will not enjoy a normal life. I can't say that I'm very healthy either, but I suffered from cavities due to bad habits when I was young, my eyesight is very bad, and the acne that I had during puberty has not disappeared even now in my mid-20s. I want to achieve my true dream of becoming a writer while working, but it is very difficult to do two jobs if I am not healthy. Therefore, maintaining health is essential. -Happiness: I was bullied in school and had a lot of hard times because of my parents, so I wanted to be happier in the future. I'm still having a hard time because I can't get a job now, but I chose it because I hope it will be full of happiness in the future.
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Dear Trian Mate This is a process to see if I'm living in the present according to the values I value. Look back on how you currently live in order to enjoy peace, health, and happiness~ I wish you all the best in the future^^
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(I forgot to mark it on teamwork, but teamwork is O.) 1. Creativity: Creativity is a must for a writer and I chose it because I wanted to write a novel setting and story that didn't exist before. 2. Professionalism: I think professionalism is a must for a writer. Watching web novel writers who caused controversy after making unprofessional remarks and actions on SNS or community sites, I thought I should thoroughly manage the history of Internet activities, and I will not write with setting errors or flying in terms of my work. 3. Freedom: It's been difficult since I was a child because of my parents' interference and control, and even now in my mid-20s, he still has the same interference and control as elementary school students. I feel like I want to live independently and freely.
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