찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

1. The Beginning of the Novel (Episode 1) It is a time when the story begins or begins with regression, subversion, reincarnation, etc. (after showing the climax of the novel a little bit like a prologue). And the contents of the past or possessed novels come out briefly. 2. Female lead It is proactive and proactive. It never bothers me or sweet potatoes. Even if it is annoying or timid, it only comes out slightly in the beginning (regression, character of a charater). Because they have to solve their own goals, they often appear as maids or commoners, but at the beginning of the story, there are many reasons for rising status, going near Namjoo, or already. It's not nice, but it's not evil, but it's self-centered and it's selfish enough to reflect the present times. 3. Male lead There are many cases of deficiency. Therefore, she may be obsessed with the female character who is mona, bad, cured by the female character, or fills her up, or belatedly notice her feelings for the female character. However, despite his bad personality, he is always the coolest looking Munchkin and has a high status. Some novels do not have a significant portion of the male lead in the Roban Best. 4. People around you There is always a maid or maid near Yeoju. There are many cases where there are no sub-namjoos. ) In some cases, villains are rivals Yeojo and Namjo, but they are social status itself, Jangja system, and male supremacy society. And it also seems to be portrayed as a faction (emperor vs empress, etc. There must be a helper. You can't achieve everything on your own. ) 5. The development of the novel The heroine always has an initial goal and develops as she achieves it. In some cases, the heroine's personal goal comes before romance, but in the end, it always leads to a happy ending with Nam Joo. The development is refreshing and fast. If there is a villain, there is a scene where he is punished.
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