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클래스 스토리1681개의 글

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Hello, writer. I listened to the lecture yesterday and read 3 of the best books of April. 1. This life will be worthwhile (a total of 266 episodes, including 1–10 external studies), 2. Kill the Evil Girl (Read from 1 to 50 episodes) 3. We will change the genre (read from episodes 1 to 67) First, at least one of the codes of regression, ice, and reincarnation is used (1. Living once after reincarnation, then returning to 7 years old 2. Reading 3. Reading) Second. All three films are written from the perspective of the first person. (I thought it would be better to write from an omniscient writer's point of view, but I'm worried about this.) ) Third. In the beginning, the heroine shows how she will lead the story. (1. I will be the family's owner. 2. I hate the world of books, so I will die and return. 3. I will change the original genre of the novel, revenge, to another genre. ) Fourth, the heroine takes the initiative for the goal (the second piece had an initial episode that changed from a somewhat passive to an active one, but eventually took the initiative). ) #GirlCrush Fifth, the male protagonist's role is not big. (1. Although it comes out in the beginning, the part where the female protagonist achieves her goal often comes out. 2. It's hard to tell who the male protagonist is until the 50th episode. 3. Up to Episode 67 is almost nonexistent with men who seem to be male characters.) - Because there have been quite a few of the lotions I've read so far, I wondered if this was the keyword, but I don't think it's easy to conclude with Episode 3. As the writer said, I wanted to read more episodes of all three works, but I wanted to see the next lecture quickly, so I'm going to stop here and continue to read more articles from Lopan. The more I read the best, the more worried I am about whether I can write this, but I think I should trust the writer, be stubborn, and work hard on my own.
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It's very good. This mission is the first attempt to find common ground. You can see many things just by trying like this. You can proceed by referring to these points.
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He seduced a weak male character, Senley. Reincarnation is inevitability. Flowering baby Gajoo (Herbard) regression Master Bluebird (Kim Ronnie) of the White Lion family. common ground -Middle European style In the first episode, a character who ends his previous life and past life and is measured as a male character. 2. Add it to past memories and find and use it quickly. 3. Using information to accumulate wealth. 4. Don't be intimidated by the family and friends you' Absolutely supported and loved by one or many people. 6. Express personality changes through speech, eyes, etc. 7. Revenge an event that was unfavorable to you by changing it to your advantage. 8. Nam Joo In the past, I didn't like or care about Yeoju, but when her attitude changed, she became obsessed. Not so much weight. 9. Yeoju It adds talent to the advantages of accumulating experience of content development, subterfuge, and regression, which were killed by Nam Joo or died alone without being loved by Nam Joo, and accumulates wealth by using information and neighbors. 10. Peripherals Due to the characteristics of the medieval background, Lophan is not able to operate freely, so it needs the help of people around him who are free from activities such as servants, barons, spirits, and relatives. Returning to a young age, Yeoju remembers their secrets and uses them.
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크리에이터가 고정함
1. The Beginning of the Novel (Episode 1) It is a time when the story begins or begins with regression, subversion, reincarnation, etc. (after showing the climax of the novel a little bit like a prologue). And the contents of the past or possessed novels come out briefly. 2. Female lead It is proactive and proactive. It never bothers me or sweet potatoes. Even if it is annoying or timid, it only comes out slightly in the beginning (regression, character of a charater). Because they have to solve their own goals, they often appear as maids or commoners, but at the beginning of the story, there are many reasons for rising status, going near Namjoo, or already. It's not nice, but it's not evil, but it's self-centered and it's selfish enough to reflect the present times. 3. Male lead There are many cases of deficiency. Therefore, she may be obsessed with the female character who is mona, bad, cured by the female character, or fills her up, or belatedly notice her feelings for the female character. However, despite his bad personality, he is always the coolest looking Munchkin and has a high status. Some novels do not have a significant portion of the male lead in the Roban Best. 4. People around you There is always a maid or maid near Yeoju. There are many cases where there are no sub-namjoos. ) In some cases, villains are rivals Yeojo and Namjo, but they are social status itself, Jangja system, and male supremacy society. And it also seems to be portrayed as a faction (emperor vs empress, etc. There must be a helper. You can't achieve everything on your own. ) 5. The development of the novel The heroine always has an initial goal and develops as she achieves it. In some cases, the heroine's personal goal comes before romance, but in the end, it always leads to a happy ending with Nam Joo. The development is refreshing and fast. If there is a villain, there is a scene where he is punished.
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Very good. In the future, it will be helpful to organize your handwriting notes like this.
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크리에이터가 고정함
Code of Glory How it is deployed : The reason for being possessed plays a big part in the latter part of the story. (Head, Invert) : It's quick to see how you've come to be possessed, where you've been possessed. : The heroine and the male protagonist don't get along, but as the story progresses, the relationship develops (misunderstanding, avoiding, etc.). : It starts with a contracted development with the main character. heroine : In case of bookkeeping, act so as not to harm the original work. : Extra, supporting, and bad relationships are the center of the story, the center of the event. : I don't think the male characters will like themselves. : If the original work is twisted due to being tied to the original work, the mind will be shaken. : I know how things are going and I use that information. : Usually, there are many heroine of snowbirds. the main character : The heroine who knows no one knows is suspicious and watches.(Afterwards, it will develop into monitoring-> interest-> likability-> love emotion, etc.) : If the original work is twisted, it will support Yeoju. : I have a lot of complaints about introducing a female lead other than a heroine. surrounding person : I find the heroine strange that changed overnight, but if there was some kind of incident, I move on. : There are often sub-male characters who regret suspecting the heroine who changed her character. : The original heroine appears as a villain.
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Very good. You just have to organize it like this.
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크리에이터가 고정함
This life will be a homeowner. I summarized >. <Episode 1> In the past before returning to Korea, you can't be a member of the family, and you look miserable and upset because of your cousin who treats you harshly. After waking up from the dream, Florence enters the grand banquet hall of the imperial palace in a carriage with her lover, the Crown Prince, as the homeowner of the Lombardi family, and the prologue ends with light. Born in Lombardi to a commoner mother, Florence later helped her grandfather after her father died, but was expelled from the family by her cousins when her grandfather died. The first episode ends when Florence, who saw her cousin's beloved family go bankrupt two years after becoming a housewife, gets hit by a wagon on her way home after drinking upset. < Episode 2 > Firentia, seven years old, returns to being with her father in the library. I remember the past when I was ruined by lining up with the first prince, and I think I should line up with the second prince, who will become the emperor. When I went back to the library to find my father, when I heard that his new father went to the office for a meeting, Florence borrowed the book she wanted to see before returning. The second episode ends when I move to the venue and wait for my father in front of the office in front of the meeting, hearing the cheeky little boy calling me "Hey, half-baked. <3rd Episode> The main character of the voice is cousin Belessac, who ruined the family and tormented him. When Belessac teased him that he was half-sized, angry Firencia kicked him in the shin, but when he said you weren't Lombardi, he picked up the book and started to cry. Grandfather comes out of his office and yells at him in a disturbance. Belessac's father, who pushed Florence away and took care of his son, shouts at him to apologize, but Florence turns her head away and Belessac's father tries to hit her, saying she is arrogant. When the grandfather asked his cousin Astallio, who was with Belessac, what happened, Florence suddenly replied with a lie that she hit them, ending the third episode.
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