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Code of Glory How it is deployed : The reason for being possessed plays a big part in the latter part of the story. (Head, Invert) : It's quick to see how you've come to be possessed, where you've been possessed. : The heroine and the male protagonist don't get along, but as the story progresses, the relationship develops (misunderstanding, avoiding, etc.). : It starts with a contracted development with the main character. heroine : In case of bookkeeping, act so as not to harm the original work. : Extra, supporting, and bad relationships are the center of the story, the center of the event. : I don't think the male characters will like themselves. : If the original work is twisted due to being tied to the original work, the mind will be shaken. : I know how things are going and I use that information. : Usually, there are many heroine of snowbirds. the main character : The heroine who knows no one knows is suspicious and watches.(Afterwards, it will develop into monitoring-> interest-> likability-> love emotion, etc.) : If the original work is twisted, it will support Yeoju. : I have a lot of complaints about introducing a female lead other than a heroine. surrounding person : I find the heroine strange that changed overnight, but if there was some kind of incident, I move on. : There are often sub-male characters who regret suspecting the heroine who changed her character. : The original heroine appears as a villain.
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