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This life will be a homeowner. I summarized >. <Episode 1> In the past before returning to Korea, you can't be a member of the family, and you look miserable and upset because of your cousin who treats you harshly. After waking up from the dream, Florence enters the grand banquet hall of the imperial palace in a carriage with her lover, the Crown Prince, as the homeowner of the Lombardi family, and the prologue ends with light. Born in Lombardi to a commoner mother, Florence later helped her grandfather after her father died, but was expelled from the family by her cousins when her grandfather died. The first episode ends when Florence, who saw her cousin's beloved family go bankrupt two years after becoming a housewife, gets hit by a wagon on her way home after drinking upset. < Episode 2 > Firentia, seven years old, returns to being with her father in the library. I remember the past when I was ruined by lining up with the first prince, and I think I should line up with the second prince, who will become the emperor. When I went back to the library to find my father, when I heard that his new father went to the office for a meeting, Florence borrowed the book she wanted to see before returning. The second episode ends when I move to the venue and wait for my father in front of the office in front of the meeting, hearing the cheeky little boy calling me "Hey, half-baked. <3rd Episode> The main character of the voice is cousin Belessac, who ruined the family and tormented him. When Belessac teased him that he was half-sized, angry Firencia kicked him in the shin, but when he said you weren't Lombardi, he picked up the book and started to cry. Grandfather comes out of his office and yells at him in a disturbance. Belessac's father, who pushed Florence away and took care of his son, shouts at him to apologize, but Florence turns her head away and Belessac's father tries to hit her, saying she is arrogant. When the grandfather asked his cousin Astallio, who was with Belessac, what happened, Florence suddenly replied with a lie that she hit them, ending the third episode.
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