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클래스 스토리282개의 글

Sumong, looking at the class materials and the color scheme, you are a complete scholar. 🤔 So far, I've studied a lot when I looked at the 15 color gradation table after mixing colors with a feeling. 👍 It's amazing that you can create so many colors with just 15 colors, and when you draw a picture compared to the colored table that created the object you're trying to draw, you can really draw a color that's close to the real thing. But I already have paints, so I didn't order a separate kit (Mijelo 36 colors, Holvain paints that I used 20 years ago, but they're so fine). (Laughs) There are similar colors, so I wonder if it's okay to purchase additional or replace them. Because each brand has a different color with the same name. JAN-brilliant has Holvein. Is there a big difference from swc? HJ: Mijelo / Holvain Permanent Red. Do you need red dip? - Holvane Cobalt Blue Hue/Misselo Cobalt Blue No.1 Do you need cobalt blue no.2? - Holvain Yellow Kerr / Mijelo Yellow Kerr No.1 Do you need no.2? - Bambu Green, Ferrlin Maroon, Indian Red, and Faynis Gray. Is there any alternative color? There's no same color at the bottom of the world, so the color is definitely different from the color tag you see on the web.🥲 I'm leaving a question because I'm curious if I can follow the class right away with my palette. 🥲
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First of all, I'm so happy that you recognized what I thought about and wanted to tell the students.^^ It's 15 colors, but I wanted to tell you that you can make and make various colors within that color! And you don't have to use the same paint as me. I'll tell you what kind of color you should make when you mix the paint.It may be difficult to make the same color as me due to subtle differences in each color. John Brilliant is number one...It's brighter than the color I have now. Since it's used in a very bright place, it's used to replace white. If you mix white with the same color, it might be similar, but it might be the same...It's a very difficult part. The difference between red and red dip is a little dark for other colors, so I use more colors than one. When you mix other colors, when you make dark colors, you can mix more dark colors.When mixing with bright colors, you don't have to use the same color, but it's hard to explain all the cases. I will find and compare paints that can be compared among future paints. It's hard to explain the color that you haven't used before. ^^;; I think you're curious, so I'm just writing it down first.
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John Brilliant is a combination of Holvain, number two, white, and yellow. HJ: Red is slightly different in tone, so it doesn't matter if you can use it's okay. HJ: Blue doesn't have Migelo Cobalt Number 1, so it's incomparable...It's okay to use Holvain. I'm going to use it to make hydrangeas, so I can adjust the amount of rose mixing. Do yellow oaks have a lot of yellow tones?It's the difference of whether the tone is down or not, but when you color it, you can mix more van dijk brown. If you look at the rest of the colors, you can make and use colors when you only use one. But... The problem is that I mix so many colors when coloring (basic 3 to 5 colors), so it's hard to match the amount.It may not be easy to color and match the amount of color (especially when making leaf color). First, try using the current paint and if possible, you can just use it. If it's going to be hard, I recommend buying additional colors.^^
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Thank you so much for your quick and kind answers during the holidays! It was easy to compare and understand that you even showed me the color scheme with the colors I have. It's so touching. 😭 You were a hardworking student! 👍👍👍 Then I'll start with the paints I have. Thank you. Have a great Chuseok!
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I'm still a beginner, but I applied because I liked Sumong's watermelon so much. I'll do my best!
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Hello, Monk Jin.^^ Thank you for registering for the course. Let's enjoy drawing together.^^😍🥰
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Monk Jin! I met him here.Let's cheer up together!~~🤗
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The top right leaf color must have a lot of snake greens. I need to mix a bit more van dijk and color it, right? I'm going to color it again and paint it. As I do color gradation, the light part dries up quickly. When I express the vein of leaves, it remains as a line. I've been painting over and over again, so it's spotty 😂😂
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You did a great job.👏👏👏 If you want to make the right leaf look like Bambu Green, you can add a bit more van Dijk Brown.^^ I think the green area with a lot of Bamboo green makes it look stronger. I think it'd be good to draw bright or dark areas more widely. When you apply gradation, you have to use a lot of paint (emphasize) to make it less dry.
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I want to learn watercolor more systematically and draw beautiful plants like you. So, I want to make my own flower garden on a big watercolor paper.
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