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클래스 스토리7191개의 글

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Alita coin
Students, let's be rich. I respect you^^ I'm going to raise the yield from April 1st to April 5th(Principle: 700,000) I increased the principal to 2.2 million won today. I'm excited ^^
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댓글 2개 전체 보기
Alita coin
use 30 times as much as a laborer I lowered it to 5 times. I'm nervous about it I'm trying to adjust the proportion of not using it Thank you. ^^
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I respect your consistent appearance ^^!
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크리에이터가 고정함
I only read grammar for other lectures, but what am I going to do? If it's not for getting tired, the lecture ends in a simple way. I really like it. If you're not going to major, it'll be enough for the purpose, but I think you focused really well.
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Oh, thank you. In the outro video, one of the students said, Some pointed out that the lecture did not explain the basics too insincerely, so I was thinking about whether to supplement the basics. In fact, I also thought a lot about it and explained only the necessary parts to make it concise. It is also true that many parts have been omitted or edited. So I'm a little worried if beginners can follow. However, if there is any blockage in the comments, we will let you know as soon as possible, so if there is a blockage in coding for beginners, please feel free to let us know in the comments. Anyway, I was discouraged after seeing the negative reviews. Thank you so much for these opinions. ^^
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난 질수없다
I agree with you.
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Thank you ^^!
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크리에이터가 고정함
Thank you for guiding RSI's excellent indicators. My other opinion is about volatility. (Of course, RSI itself is volatility) 1. If the horizon goes above the value of 5 days or 2. Real-time price> ((day market price + (day price-day price) *0.05) I know that this can also be seen as a steep rise. ^^ But there may be fewer days to live than the RSI 14-day indicator. And I've told you before, but you have a really good personality. I'm engaged in education, and I feel your consideration for others comes out naturally everywhere in the lecture. I feel a lot of sincerity and sincerity in trying to help others, and I feel that this lecture is not just a paid lecture. People's comments, repetitive questions. (Should I post it again since I posted it all? Should I leave it again, looking at my blog or other people's I can't help but admire you for being as kind as possible about this. He's an amazing person. He's almost the same age as me, but I think I should be more humble. I heartily thank you. Regardless of how much money I make or not, I'm grateful that I can learn the most important character in my life. (Of course, you can't "leave" if you can't earn money!) Never. (Laughs) (Learning characteristics or earning money, not #and!)
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It's a strategy that's in line with the volatility breakthrough. ^^ In fact, strategies that follow the trend in coinboards are often valid. Thank you for the good information. And I didn't think I had a good character to imitate, but thank you very much. +.+ (Of course, I think I'm nice because I'm self-conscious.) (Laughs) I'm weak at compliments and I'm getting good energy from compliments that make whales dance whales. (I'll fix it on the top) (H) Thanks once again. ^^
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크리에이터가 고정함
Thank you, instructor! Thanks to you, we made a successful bot! I thought the biggest problem when people sell investment assets such as coins is risk management and greed! While thinking about that, I combined the logic given by the instructor with the sales strategy I had in mind to make a decent bot. Test period is one week (12/2-12/9) Starting at $653, it's 1,054 now. Total revenue of $400. The winning rate is 87.5% (photography starts at the beginning of the month and decreases by 17.5%). I've completed it like this. I can't reveal all of my strategies, Basically, it is configured in the direction of rowing scroll return. Considering that it's a low return, the high rate of return is... Perhaps the direction of the market fits my strategy and the instructor's logic. I took the first lecture in Class 101 and thank you again for letting me achieve my desired goal!!! I hope to see you next time with a good lecture! Haha
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