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Teacher, how should I say it? My time has stopped for 11 years. After 7 years of psychiatric treatment, I'm finally starting to open my heart. On the day my daughter passed away, all my time stopped. She was so warm and caring. The ID I'm using right now belongs to my daughter. It hurts so much that everything about my daughter disappears. I'm using it. My daughter is a class ID that my teachers and teachers gave me. When I use that ID on Starbucks, I often get embarrassed because I call it a good angel. I couldn't leave my daughter alone, so my husband and I couldn't go home in the clothes we wore the day she left. Still The psychiatrist told me to look for what I wanted to do, but I wanted to draw. You don't even know how to draw. I happened to see that I was Creative on Naver, and I saw works with green walls, Wow Jin Young, and beautiful eyes. In Jinyoung's work, I'm constantly receiving comfort after crying like I'm seeing a puppy raised by my daughter and daughter. Jinyoung who doesn't even know his face. I'm opening my heart from the warm work of the artist, Green Wall. I quit taking medicine and I'm thankful for the happy lectures. Now, I'm going to organize my daughter's remains and home items to a place where I can see the sea and go to a place where she wants to live. My daughter wanted to live in Jeju Island or Namhae. My parents were born in Namhae, so I'm going to Namhae.The sea from Boriam is beautiful. I started fishing when I was five. I was born in Songdo, Busan and grew up on the beach. My mom lived 97 years and left 3 years ago. Now, I have the heart to leave and organize my heart. For the rest of my life, I've lived as a natural person without a spoon and chopsticks. I want to be happy with you. Thinking about the comments.I sat down at Hwangsan Park and cried during the 2 days of crying. To be warm, all of my daughter's friends became mothers of children.
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