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클래스 스토리1463개의 글

I've always wanted to draw since I was young, but it's not my way? Because of that thought, I always had a heart. When I turned 30 and saw my friends challenging what they wanted to do, I thought I should try whatever the results were before it was too late. So try again. My goal this time is not to draw well, but to enjoy drawing. I hope my goal comes true through Burby's lecture.
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Hello, Hannah! Welcome 😊❤️ I can really relate to the phrase "It's not my way." You ask a lot of questions about what you want to do, and sometimes you get scared and avoid it ㅠㅠ I'm happy that Hannah is now challenging what she wants to do! I'll cheer for you and help you. ❤️❤️ If you have any questions or difficulties, please feel free to leave a comment. Let's do this together from now on.😚
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Strawberry Festival 🍓✨
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Oh my ❤️ Yoonhye! What's this lovely color? I can feel the sweet strawberry scent on the screen 😚 You used the warm pastel tone coral and pink really well! The title Strawberry Festival also goes well with the picture! The short reduction of the jam bottle goes so well with Yoonhye's drawing style, so I can feel the sense! Looking at Yoonhye's lines and text, the cute feeling fits her so well! You look good with soft lines and straight lines, too. 😍 Next time, why don't we draw all the objects in a straight line, and the other time we draw all the objects in a soft line and compare them? I'm sure you're both good at drawing. Let's experiment on which one suits you better. 😆 Yoonhye completed the mission with her lovely colors and cute vibes. 💓
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It wasn't easy to combine the colors with the background.ㅠㅠ From now on, I'll use a variety of colors to combine them.😃
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[FAN ID] 💙 The colors are so pretty. ㅠㅠ💙 The blue background makes the cake stand out! I can feel that you reflected the contents of the lecture well. 👍💙 It's a combination that I personally like, because it's not too high in saturation. 😆 You completed the mission so beautifully. ❤️🔥
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It's nice that you summarized the points at the end of the class. ^^ Every picture you show me is cute and warm. I guess drawing was harder because I tried to draw pictures that didn't make a mistake. I didn't think that it was a picture where I ignored the through-sight on purposefully. The person who didn't even major in drawing wanted to do it exactly... I think it came as stress.
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