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클래스 스토리551개의 글

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If you're using an iPad like me, it's confusing because it's your first time using Clu. I wanted to be of help to those who do that, so I drew it briefly. If you have any mistakes or tips, please share them. Let's all cheer up for the second week of February that starts today!
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I'm submitting the mission! I really enjoyed today's class. Thank you always!
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Thank you for the useful lecture! I had a lot of worries about my chin when I drew my face, but I'm so happy to find a solution like this. Teacher, it's a separate question from this lecture, but objectively, I don't think I lack a lot of basics (although I need to study on my own). Nevertheless, there seems to be something less attractive or a little clumsy about the painting, so how can I solve this? Is it just a lot of croquis, imitation, and research? I'm worried that I can't find the direction to study... Is there a way to do it later? If you have the same thing, please let me know!
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I think you need to raise your basic skills and have your own charming drawings. I think you're wandering about how to study. The style of painting (painting style) is deeply related to the person's natural sentiment. To upload the aesthetic, you have to see a lot of pretty things. Usually, when you look at the process of settling down the picture style, cartoons and appearances that you liked when you were young are made in pictures. Some writers say that after seeing a famous handsome actor in person, his aesthetic values have changed, and since then, he has become a great painter. That's how important it is to have a specific desire for what you like, want to copy, and what you want to get. I don't think I get lost because I don't know how to study. I think you're wandering around because there's no specific problem with what you want. When I was young, I looked at artist Naoki Urasawa's paintings and said, "It's realistic, but the painting somewhere in the middle of the cartoon is so cool."' I thought I should draw it like that. If I look at another attractive picture, I'll try coloring it like that. Should I color it like this? Should I color it like that? I used to think. If the goal is specific, you can see the path. The way to study begins here. Without specific ideals and aspirations, the path is not formed. "I want it so much that I have it." That's how it works. Something is lacking, so I should study. It's not attractive. It's a bit clumsy. What's that? What would you study based on if you didn't know what you lacked? Even if you get feedback or criticism from others, it will help you fix small things. It doesn't help to set standards. I've been talking a lot, but after you find the standard that you really want to have, how can you do that? Compare and change what you want to change in my painting, throw away what you want to throw away, study, and then pioneer with your own color. Your drawing skills will improve, too!
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I think it was a piece of advice for bones and flesh.ㅜ Because I don't have a mentor or anything like an utopia... ...that's why I think I'm You hit the nail on the nail.ㅜㅜ I'll keep that in mind and do my best. Thank you 😢
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I submit it even if it's late.ㅠㅠ! I forgot to color it and uploaded it, so I couldn't help but upload it now. I thought of a refreshing character and designed it lightly with puppy + sunflower keywords.
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