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클래스 스토리265개의 글

Hello I'm Ko Kyung-hee, a one-person English education company. I introduce myself as a one-person company, It's a novice company. I've been trying hard to learn since last year, but this is it! I didn't do anything. In the process, I remembered CEO Baek Geon-pil's lecture that I overheard.I heard you were launching Class 101. I applied for a lecture as if I was possessed. I want to be reborn as a one-person company. In order to do that, you need to learn the skills you need. I want to improve my reading skills and publish books. I'll trust CEO Baek Gunpil in 2022 and follow him. I hope we can achieve our monthly goals at the end of 2022.
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I have a lot to learn because my values are so consistent with the direction I pursue and he went first. I was surprised to see that you wrote the law of the universe. I was thinking about making it like that one day, and I didn't know how to compress it. It's amazing. I respect you for pursuing invisible context and essence and acting as you are. Thankfully, I'll learn a lot. Haha
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A site where you can find out the keyword trend https://blackkiwi.net/service/trend
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It's good to be able to expand your thoughts by thinking. I can't think of ideas from the beginning, but if I keep squeezing them out, I can think of them. Nothing is easy, after all. Thank you very much for using the star tools of great ideas.
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