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클래스 스토리265개의 글

I drew Burger King's Cheese Rella to review it.It's been a really long time since I drew with a butt, and as expected... I love it. It's so much fun. I'll do my best for the next lecture!
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When I drew lettuce, I combined the noodles that I learned during the marker drawing, and it became funny.XD
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Wow, you drew it really well! I want to hurry up and... ㅜㅜ
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Babadol! You're really showing us a surprising application of digital drawing! I'm happy to see another version of hamburger with strong completeness. 😌 It's such a great work that you can use at Burger King! If the hamburger we had at the lecture was a simpler cheese burger, "Now it is full of stuffing, and there must have been a lot of things to draw, but the characteristics of each material are really vivid and impressive." 🙌 "I can see that they carefully worked on each of the smooth tomatoes, lettuce with a lively rhythm, and tempura patties, but the texture was really natural and I can feel that they expressed the points well." And the elasticity and richness of lettuce is fun! If the texture of other materials is relatively dense and sturdy, The leaves of lettuce look cooler and have a rough texture, making it look minimal. It's attractive to make the part to be loosened and the density of the work is high and bold! And since the textural expression of the digital drawing I'm telling you now is based on the motif of the cotton coloring technique I told you about in Maca Class, it would be easier to think of splitting the cotton and darkening the overlapping part! :) And the best thing is that you have your own feeling. The density and color of the texture vary from person to person. It's good to have your own texture alive. I'm really looking forward to your future work! Papadol! You did a great job. I'll be rooting for you next time too 🙌
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I drew this portrait while looking around for materials. It took a long time, but it was fun to find and draw what kind of face would be good. The movement feels stiff, but I'm satisfied with the completion. I can't wait to draw the next picture. ☻
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Wow! Mr. O.P's drawing of this person is even more wonderful 🙌 A woman with an exotic and luxurious feel is very attractive. Also O in the front daily look.I could feel P's unique features and emotions The walking pose on the side and the new outfit seem to stand out more. Also, it's good to see that the animal's features are connected to the person's feeling😌 O from the way you grab your features.I'm glad that I'm finding my own style. And not only the features, but the overall completeness is really good. Starting with the walking on the side, it feels like the skeleton is trimmed From the details of the toes to the abs and collarbone, it's very natural and pretty. The line work, such as the degree of texture, shading expression, and the area you touch, is all stable, and you did your best not to miss the details while catching the big flow of the whole thing. I like black dogs, too, because they seem to have shared subtle boundaries while holding the whole lump heavy in the texture work. The beach and the sea are also very subtle! We're going to draw a different theme for each chapter You have to put a lot of effort into it because you're exposed to something new As you enjoy the process, your skills also seem to develop further. From now on, O.I'm looking forward to the various characters and outfits that will be drawn in P's own style, and I'm now catching up on the style of painting with my own characteristics and tastes, so I hope you follow the flow of the lecture and try many things like now :) Mr. O.P! You did a great job this time, too. I'll be rooting for your next work 🙏
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I was going to draw a healthy kitchen that I drew in Maca class, but I just drew kitchen props. I haven't finished the shelf and fruit basket yet 😱😱😱 I'm out of energy 😱😱😱
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It's amazing. 😆🪴
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The cutting board is so real!😍The color also seems like a kitchen with a stone-built house in the Provence area of Nambul☺️
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ID Papadol! The expansion of props into the landscape is really cool, too. 😌 They always use their own ideas and colors to make it look good It's completely different from the kitchen scenery I drew last time I think a sensuous kitchen is being completed. It looks intense and powerful because it has high fluorescent colors in it. It also feels like a pappadol because it has a strong accent and calmness. :) As you said in the comments, it's a place in Provence I think it's a nice kitchen that you can see from your home in a beautifully colored landscape. The combination of mint and purple on the wall paper is good The cutting board is surprisingly lifelike 🙌 If the grain of wood goes in too much, only that part can be too detailed, but I think you set the big flow of the overall description without digging too much. Also, I can see that you put in a subtle glow of the fruit. I can feel that the texture of the landscape work is getting better the more I do it, and I'm looking forward to seeing the overall completeness if you match it with the texture on the shelf and the fruit basket! And there are a lot of props that I need to draw overall It's going to take a lot of time and energy But as much as we put in that much effort and time, the completion of the results will be solid, so I think you'll be happy. I'm even more curious about the completion of the kitchen scenery that I finished. I'm ending the comments with excitement at the thought of seeing the wonderful kitchen scenery! Fighting for the rest of the work 😀
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I really enjoyed the writer's macadrawing class, and I liked the minimalist atmosphere of the artist, so I followed the iPad drawing! The writer's macadrawing was warm and sentimental, but the iPad drawing is minimal but cold and hip, so it feels different! When you learn iPad drawing and write, you start with a wish that you can draw and put in a short illustration yourself!
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