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Hello, I'm Weil. To all those who have moved on by their own will. Congratulations on your class 101 class. This is the first official lecture. After class, it's not just a profit or two. From what we've learned, we'll make a living by trading for the rest of our lives. I would like to inform you in advance that I made it with all my heart. ----------- Now, with an unprecedented supply of liquidity, hundreds of ant investors participating in the market. Institutional investors continue to flow into the cryptocurrency market due to the institutional reform of each country. Donghak ants, book ants who studied their own way, jumped into the market. As many experts say, we are focusing on investing in blue-chip stocks. When they face the brunt of the market and defend their unrealized returns. We look at the market from a trading point of view, buy & sell repeatedly, and get on the wave. You can prepare for a downturn by accumulating profits that are realized every day by day. Also, even if there is a decline, stocks that bring in money always give us a place to eat. Cryptocurrency, It's a trade product that can use a powerful weapon called "leverage." Unprincipled leverage is poison, but leverage with solid methodology is... It's a strong support group that can make 2 million won in my hand into 100 million won. When ordinary coin investors swarm here and there looking for the next big Altcoin, We proceed with 'gift trading' of 'stable coin' with excellent market capitalization. With so many ignorant investors and unskilled people around the world. The honest moving gift chart of blue-chip coins is a very good means of generating profits. Watch the lecture over and over again and master the lecture. Please make sure to start trading with a small amount. You're a trader who makes profits in the market based on the lecture. I hope you take it one step further and show us a great contribution to this society. Thank you.
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