
Easy-to-Learn Semi-Realistic Character Drawing

14 chapters · 28 hours 20 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Skills You’ll Learn

Easy Semi-Realistic Character Drawing

We will cover everything from theory to practice so that anyone can draw semi-realistic characters

How to Improve the Quality of Your Drawing

Let's go through the process of improving the quality of your drawing to the next level

Character's Hairstyle

Focus on the structure and texture of the hair to illustrate the character more colorfully

Drawing Clothes with Vivid Fit and Texture

Make the clothes more attractive with realistic texture depiction and details.

Depicting the Character's Body

Learn about the character's body structure and depict skin and muscles

From Basics to Applications

Learn everything from basic skills to application, focusing on the essentials of drawing

Hello, we are lakeandmonster.

We are two different people drawing under the nickname "lakeandmonster".

We currently run the Instagram account @lakeandmonster, and mainly draw semi-realistic character illustrations. Our class is for those who want to draw but don't know where to start, and those who want to take the quality of their drawing to the next level. This class is packed with explanations about the drawing process, from the very first step of drawing a character to perfecting its quality.

To Help You Draw and Develop Your Drawings on Your Own

We always receive a lot of questions about drawing. However, it was often difficult to give an answer since drawing is not something that can be easily explained in text. On the online class, I can show and explain the process of drawing, so it will definitely be a great help in learning how to draw.

We have organized this course so that even beginners can see that drawing is not as difficult as it seems, and also ensure that experienced artists can take a step forward to perfecting their drawing.

Follow Our Lessons Step by Step, to Learn How to Draw and How to Find Answers on Your Own.

"I will never manage this quality"
You'll change your mind after taking this class.
Your drawing will change dramatically as well!

작업 단계 (1. 스케치 > 2. Base coloring > 3. Detail description > 4. finishing work)” contenteditable=

1. Sketch

Decide on the overall composition of the drawing

and sketch with focus on the character's charms.

2. Base coloring

Decide on the color tone that suits the atmosphere of the drawing

and add contrast according to light and shade.

3. Detail Description

Depict details according to the flow of the viewer's eyes

to improve the quality.

4. Finishing touch

Draw the background and enhance the quality of the drawing

to finalize the work.

▶ ︎ Work process: Sketch → Base Coloring → Detail Description → Finishing Touch

A Hands-on Class Where You Can Draw Together with the Creator

I bet most of you have the experience of listening to a good lecture, understanding it in your head, but failing to draw it on your own.

Your drawing skills cannot improve unless you try it on your own.

Were you ever overwhelmed confronting a piece of white paper all by yourself? If the process of drawing feels difficult and overwhelming, it might be hard to start drawing at all. If you tire out after your first try, you might also put off your next try.

So in our class, we're going to go through the process step by step, starting from a blank paper and completing the piece together. If you go through the drawing process together, beginners will be able to gain confidence that they can draw on their own, and those who are good at drawing will be able to master our tips very naturally.

You won't get better in drawing only by reading, watching, and listening to a bunch of knowledge. Your drawing will truly improve only when you gain the experience of actually drawing something.

We'll show you how to take your drawing to the next level without having to practice complicated and difficult exercises.

Follow Us to Acquire the Know-Hows Naturally

I will introduce useful theories used for semi-realistic paintings and draw together with you. I will also be showing you how the theories can be applied in actual drawing.

If you follow the class step by step, you'll find what you've learned blended naturally into your drawing!

스케치부터 완성까지의 모든 과정을 담았습니다.▶ ︎ This class covers the entire process of drawing, from sketch to completion.

반실사에서의 얼굴 비율에 대한 이해▶ ︎ Understanding facial proportions in semi-realistic illustrations.

'빛과 어둠'에 대한 기초와 빛 방향에 따른 명암 표현▶ ︎ The basics of “light and shade”, and adding contrast based on the direction of light

이목구비 눈, 코, 입을 그리는 방법_1이목구비 눈, 코, 입을 그리는 방법_2▶ ︎ How to draw facial features: eyes, nose, and mouth

캐릭터의 헤어 스타일 표현_1캐릭터의 헤어 스타일 표현_2캐릭터의 헤어 스타일 표현_3캐릭터의 헤어 스타일 표현_4▶ ︎ Depicting the character's hairstyle

핏과 텍스쳐가 살아있는 옷 그리기_1핏과 텍스쳐가 살아있는 옷 그리기_2▶ ︎ Drawing clothes with interesting fit and texture

캐릭터의 인체를 묘사하는 방법_1캐릭터의 인체를 묘사하는 방법_2▶ ︎ How to draw the character's body

함께 그림 완성해보기▶ ︎ Let's complete the drawing together

복잡한 장식품 묘사하기▶ ︎ Depicting intricate accessories

다이나믹한 구도 그리기▶ ︎ Drawing dynamic compositions

Through this class, I'll help you persist in finishing a drawing even when all you have is a piece of white paper and a single pen.

We will teach you the ability to draw and study on your own.
Nice to meet you! Let's draw together
Class Kit · Coaching Session

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【Program for taking classes】

  • Clip Studio Paint used in classes is a paid program.
  • In order to attend the course smoothly, it is essential to have it.
  • The class will fully teach you how to use the program and how to use it.

📌 For inquiries about product defects or incorrect delivery, please contact the Class 101 Customer Service Center.

📩 The kit is subject to some changes, and we will be fully informed if there are any changes.





Hello, we're lakeandmonster.

We currently post semi-realistic character illustrations on our instagram account @lakeandmonster.

The <Easy-to-Learn Semi-Realistic Character Drawing> class consists of hands-on lessons that can really help you improve your drawing skills. Your drawings will not improve unless you actually draw it yourself. Therefore, I will show and explain to you the whole process of drawing, starting from a blank paper. If you follow the class step by step, your drawing skills will improve naturally.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced artist, I'll help you advance to the next level.

Let's draw together!



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Notes on Copyright Protection

  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
1201 North Market St. Suite 111, Wilmington, DE, 19801