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▶100 million chitki ⟪Online Class Mentoring with Lifetime Pension⟫ 2nd Edition Commemorative Book Presentation Event ◀ Link to video: https://youtu.be/epmLbMhmEo0 ✔Sharing event after book capture ✔ 1. Capture the video screen with "Online Class Mentoring with Lifetime Pension" and share it on the SNS 2. Please include #DonMungo #100 million chitkey #Online Class Mentoring hashtag for lifetime pension on your SNS. 3. After completing 1 and 2, please authenticate with the link below https://www.surfcom.co.kr/l/p7lJT I'm sending you the book introduced in the video to the first 30 people on a first-come, first-served basis." ✔Bonus_One-on-one analysis consulting with professional coaches free event✔ Among those who participated in the book presentation event, those who expressed their expectations for books and 100 million keys of online lectures will receive a free 1:1 analysis consulting (worth 99,000 won) with a professional business coach. Analyses Consulting Guide Link: https://cafe.naver.com/akqjatk12/367
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