Galaxy Note, Time to Awake the Sleeping Pen

10 chapters · 5 hours 42 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Using a Samsung Galaxy Note
10 Class Projects

It takes about 1 to 2 hours hour(s) to complete each project.

  • Fingerprint recognition function: Shhh! I opened my heart to you

  • Wireless charging function: I'm excited because of you

  • Happy holidays

  • A nostalgic summer trip

  • sunny afternoon

  • I'm going to be sad

  • An afternoon in London

  • The world's sweet donut

  • See you often, let's be careful

  • Midnight Jeju

Skills You’ll Learn

Learn about the Galaxy Note and S Pen

Learn about the basic features of the Galaxy Note and how to use it on the S Pen.

How to use Samsung Note

Learn how to use Samsung Notes and its programs.

Learn how to use Autodesk sketchbooks

Learn how to use the Autodesk Sketchbook program.

Learn how to use pen ups

Learn how to draw and share pictures with PENUP.

Comic up with comic book ideas and stories

You will learn ideas and storytelling techniques to express the thoughts of objects in cartoons.

Learn how to sketch and color comics

Learn how to sketch and color to complete a four-cut comic.

Learn Hangul calligraphy

Learn Hangul calligraphy by writing words and sentences.

Learn English handwriting

Learn English handwriting by learning the laws of strokes and how to connect the alphabet.

Learn collage techniques in writing and pictures

Learn collage techniques by adding text and pictures to photos you've taken yourself.

Complete an illustration with the S Pen

I will try to create a beautiful illustration that preserves moments such as various objects and landscapes.


Time to Awake the Sleeping Pen

How to Utilize Your Galaxy Note to the Fullest Potential

4-frame cartoon/calligraphy/illustration

3 classes All at once!

Using the Galaxy Note

The smartest 3 in 1 class!

Now you can find it in Class 101 at the most reasonable price!

Class #1

Let's express our thoughts about the objects we encounter in everyday life!

Category. 4-cut manga/Creator. Chisung Lee

Hello! <Their Thoughts> The artist Chisung Lee.

So many things all around me! I feel like I've been sitting still all day, but I think things also want to express my thoughts. Why don't you record those thoughts with me and express them in pictures?

After quickly recording ideas that come to mind through surrounding objects and creating a story from those ideas, GALAXY NOTEof S-penBy using One cut and 4-frame comicTry drawing!

You'll learn something like this!

  1. Envisioning an idea
  2. Write a story
  3. Grab a layout and draw
  4. Complete a 4-cut comic

*Please note that the above information may be added or changed in actual classes.

Class #2

Let's add something special to an ordinary article!

CATEGORY. Calligraphy/ Creator. Leeyoung Kim

Hello! I'm Leeyoung Kim, a calligrapher.

In this class, you'll feel special by adding small details to your everyday life. When I see a beautiful scene, I usually take a picture, but wouldn't it be even more special if I wrote down my feelings on it?

It will always make me feel good Video messenger profileAnd a gift for loved ones message card GALAXY NOTELet's make it with.

While learning two types of fonts: a cute font and a sophisticated font GALAXY NOTEI'll show you how to make use of its features. Let's add something special to everyday life together!

You'll learn something like this!

  1. Learn Hangul calligraphy to add something special
  2. Learn simple yet sophisticated English handwriting
  3. How to make a gift message card
  4. Create a moving KakaTalk profile

*Please note that the above information may be added or changed in actual classes.

Class #3

Let's draw a picture of this relaxing moment!

CATEGORY. Illustrator/ Creator. Sungkyu Bae

Hello! I'm Sungkyu Bae, an illustrator.

Nowadays, people are living faster and more comfortable lives, but I feel like they don't have enough time to spare. I would like to make time to enjoy a small break from such a life.

Sit at a cafe you often go to and draw directly on a picture you've taken collages, The night sea seen from a hotel in Jeju where I left alone landscape drawing, and a special one for loved ones picture postcard etc., anytime, anywhere GALAXY NOTEPlease enjoy a relaxing time with me.

You'll learn something like this!

  1. Make a collage of photos and pictures
  2. Create filter effects with text and pictures on photos
  3. Create a great wallpaper with your own pictures and handwriting
  4. Draw a beautiful landscape painting that captures the moment

*Please note that the above information may be added or changed in actual classes.





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Notes on Copyright Protection
  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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