Let the world know your worth on Instagram. Instagram personal branding

10 chapters · 5 hours 42 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Daredevil - Draw & Drew

▶ ︎ Why did you refuse an annual salary of 90 million won at the age of 31?

  • I also went to see Part 2 of Draw and Andrew >> rink

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▶ ︎ Student reviews

It's not Instagram 'marketing'

Why “branding”?

gosh Fake influencers, fake social media expertsThere were so many people who heard it.

It's only been 10 years since Instagram came out into the world, and it's a constantly changing platform, so how can people be called experts?

Real experts don't call themselves experts. The person people call an expert is a real expert.

I was surprised to hear that South Korea sells Instagram information for close to 1 million won. I started YouTube with the idea that no one should be deceived by false information anymore.

I can easily create 1,000 to 2,000 followers just by watching videos on my YouTube channel.

Now it's time to become a real influencer!

I've shared numerous Instagram growth tips and strategies through my YouTube <draw&draw> channel. But not everyone could be an Instagram influencer. Therefore, in order to find out why, I coached many people for free through DM until I reached 20,000 subscribers.

And I found the formula.

It was “personal branding.”

Personal branding is a way to attract potential followers and customers by expressing who you are, what you do, and how you work through content.

Try to answer this question.

  • Is there a client that can find me even if I'm still there?
  • Can I introduce myself without a company title?
  • If I were to sell the product right now, would there be customers who would buy it?
  • Are there people who recognize my worth?
  • Is there a window to promote my services/products for free?

<Instagram> used by 1 billion people around the world

Make it with your own Titan tool 🛠

I was notified of dismissal overnight from my job in the US for close to 3 years. And then I realized it. “Ah... Since I left the company, there's nothing I can do on my own...” No matter how many times I turned my resume back, I didn't get an answer.

At that time, I suddenly remember that when a company selects a person, I look at that person's social media. Using the know-how I learned when I was in charge of the company's brand Instagram account for 3 years, I started “personal branding” with my personal Instagram account.

Like that in the US influencersI became a company that recognizes my value marketing designerYou will be able to get a job again at My salary is three times what it was when I first went to America.

And now I'm consulting on people's personal branding and corporate social media marketing I work as an entrepreneur with a billion-dollar salary. What is the beginning of all of this 'Instagram'It was.

People who have built a personal brand have a different starting point than others.

Even if you sell one product, you can generate more revenue much faster if you have followers who trust you. For absolute short-term profits Don't risk your life on fake marketing.

If you promote your services and products as a community created through Instagram personal branding, you can generate greater revenue.

I earn an average of 4 million won per month from a single e-book.

전자책으로 평균 월 400만원의 수익창출

▶ ︎ Generate an average monthly revenue of 4 million won with e-books

Why Instagram?

Instagram is like <time>

✍️ It's free for everyone, but the differences can vary infinitely depending on how you use it.

Instagram has opened up special opportunities for me since I was just living a normal life.

I got a job overseas, grew my company's brand, the products I designed were introduced on various media channels, received sponsored advertisements from famous brands, met overseas clients who needed me, and met 80,000 YouTube subscribers.

Instagram is optimized for creating “fans.”

Learn about various features to communicate with people.

  • You can share posts by tagging accounts with each other. (Upload tips*)
  • You can share your posts with hashtags. (Hashtag tips*)
  • You can have a 1:1 conversation via DM. (DM tips*)
  • You can receive and answer questions through stories. (Story tips*)
  • Anyone can advertise at a low cost. (Sponsored ad tips*)

Is there something “special” that anyone can personalize?

I believe that there is something special about everyone.

In the meantime, while sharing Instagram videos on YouTube, I received comments on various questions and was able to coach the problems of various people.

What is the “Instagram Personal Branding” class Planning based on data that has been accumulated over timeIt became, From a brand designerIn, I designed it myself Easy personal branding for beginners with worksheetsIt was designed to be able to do.

This is a personal branding worksheet that focuses on “Instagram,” but can also be used on other social media platforms. Check out the student reviews!

수강생 리뷰

▶ ︎ Student reviews

If you purchase a coaching ticket, you can receive coaching by submitting the worksheets used in the course. A checklist is included so that you can keep and remember after the course is over.

Do you have any hobbies you learned in class 101?

Isn't it worth keeping your talents just as a hobby?

Now it's time to share your talents on Instagram.

I love anything, such as my own hand paintings, leather crafts, photos, writing, soap, scented candles, etc. We currently live in a world where pictures posted on Instagram become merchandise, articles become books, and photos become posters.

Use Instagram to create future customers.

Are there any differences from the videos posted on YouTube?

If you had captured everything in detail on YouTube, there would be a lot more people who couldn't watch the video until the end. Well, I don't think my video was exposed to many people due to the YouTube algorithm. Even in the five-minute video, “The introduction is long. “, “Talks a lot.” Because it's YouTube that gets the comment...

As much as you pay for this class

It was created with the details of the essentials.

Virtual to help you understand 4 personasI will do it with.

  • Beauty/fashion creator 'Chloe'
  • Travel photographer 'John'
  • Lifestyle coach 'Lizzie'
  • Artist 'Chris'

From strategies to increase Jinseong followers, account branding methods, content ideas, finding your own style, collaborating with brands, analyzing post insights, etc. It contains a full list of methods that can be used for various purposes. It's not just a concept, but I'll tell you what I've experienced and learned firsthand as a marketer and influencer!

Isn't Instagram Red Ocean now?

So I grew them again in July 2020.

인스타그램 팔로우 증가 수치

▶ ︎ Instagram follower growth figures (as of July 2020)

Currently, my second account is heading towards 90,000 followers.

Check it out for yourself -> @drawandrew101

It's not too late, either. The social media market is getting bigger and bigger, Rather, now might be an opportunity. Build your followers step by step through an account that shows who you are, an account that shows your value to the world, and an Instagram personal branding class.

It's not just about sharing my daily life, Sharing what I love and what I'm good at with the worldand increase my value Seize more opportunities. Because we're all special people. Instagram personal branding to make yourself known to the world, I'm here to help.

Let's meet in class!

Draw and Dream

Class Kit · Coaching Session



DnD (DrawAndrew)

DnD (DrawAndrew)

Hallo This is Drow & Ryu, who talks about simple branding on social media.





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