Anyone can make a monthly lifetime pension of 1 million won through online lectures!

8 chapters · 4 hours 37 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Skills You’ll Learn

Are you having trouble recording and editing videos?

From video recording to editing
We'll tell you only the essentials without twirling.

Stop crazy-writing scripts!

Now organize and manage them systematically through a dedicated management form.

Is time management difficult?

We can visually check the time spent on actual production and manage the time!

Not sure how to get started?

We will even provide a lecture production plan so that you can just look ahead and go!

How am I

Monthly sales of 120 million won

Was it achieved?

월매출 1억 2천만 원 정산내역서

Like all of you, I've known the importance and impact of content for a long time, but I haven't been able to approach it because I didn't have the right opportunity. And even when I first decided to shoot a video of a lecture, I really didn't know how to shoot a video, how to edit it, or how to record it.

I'm wondering what a thumbnail is, what is a transition cut... I really didn't know anything...

Of course, it was probably more because it was the first time I learned something new and started, but since I did it without really knowing anything, there was so much to do. The process of deciding on online course content, shooting and editing videos, and increasing the money pipeline by selecting various platforms was a very difficult process to do alone. When I do this, I think it's just past 2 to 3 a.m. every day.

But after a lot of trial and error

Create online courses A to Z,

I found the secret!

일반인들을 대상으로 진행했던 강의도 좋은 성과

My friends, who didn't care about my business at first, began to pay attention to it after achieving 100 million sales. I had an effect by informing my friends, and the lectures I gave to the general public also began to produce good results.

Generating sales of 2 million won, 5 million won, and 10 million won
You can do it too!

I don't have better abilities than others, and I've never given a lecture. Like all of you, I didn't even focus on professional video production. As such, I generated sales through an overseas purchasing agency, and made that process into an online course content to generate additional revenue.

And now, through my lectures, you too can reduce trial and error and make money. You can do it just as I normally would. You can get started right now.

In this class

What will I learn?

✔ ︎ You'll learn something like this

  1. Content Finder: How to Find Your Own Talent
  2. Planning: How to determine the concept and direction of a lecture
  3. Video production: How to create thumbnails and cover images & shoot and edit videos
  4. Selling: How to choose a platform, upload, promote, and manage customers
  5. Tips collection: Other tips from revenue generation to tax management

✔ ︎ It's going to change like this

  1. I will execute without fear of failure
  2. I'll find out what talents I have
  3. I gain confidence from planning to video production
  4. You'll earn additional income and discover more money pipelines

※ However, you should not just keep listening to the lecture. At the end of each chapter, you should take enough time to extract your own content step by step. By the end of the last chapter, you'll have a great lecture and a sense of confidence in creating content. Don't struggle to be perfect. Once you complete one video, you can naturally gain insight into the planning and editing of the next video. I'll support you throughout the lecture!

In what kind of world are you

Are you living there?

바이러스의 확산 이후, 온라인 교육 시장의 전망은 전 세계적으로 이전과 다른 빠른 성장

Since the spread of the virus, the outlook for the online education market has seen unprecedented rapid growth globally.

Interest in self-development is also increasing, and as time spent at home increases due to the coronavirus, both office workers and the general public are interested in side jobs/jobs/start-ups. People with their own skills are providing courses on various platforms, and students are looking for ways to generate revenue while taking courses.

Right now, my information

It's a world where profits will soon be made.

The broadcasting market, which used to be a league of only large broadcasting stations Like YouTube and Africa TV As we enter the heyday of private broadcasting, we are looking for new changes. Similarly, in the lecture market, in the past, only lecturers with a famous history and experience produced lectures, but now everyone earns money by creating and posting lectures if they have something to teach.

There are a growing number of talent sales platforms in the world. Also, on these platforms, we are waiting for your own talents and your own content.

The talents hidden in you
Don't you want to turn it into profit now?

I know what you mean, but...

Listen to others with this level of talent

Can I teach?

여러분의 노하우를 알려주세요

▶ ︎ Please let us know your know-how

Find people teaching on topics similar to your talents right now.

How to get a PPT that makes your boss look good

“Huh? Did you do that easily when you were a college student?”

Excel data management secrets that call Calteu

“Huh? Is that what the company does all the time?”

Making baby food that even a crying child will stop crying

“Huh? Is that what my kid eats all the time?”

Those talents and know-how that you thought were no big deal on your own are of great help to someone and are linked to profits. Don't make course production too difficult. Don't even try to be perfect. There's nothing perfect in this world!

Now with that EPANCH

Create your own content,

Let's make a profit!

 이제 저 이팬치와 함께 여러분만의 콘텐츠를 만들고, 수익을 만들어 보시죠

Stop worrying,
Get started first!

Gone are the days where only star lecturers and celebrities produced lectures. It's hard to try it once, and anyone can do it. Even as an ordinary person, I discovered my own content and made a profit by making online lectures on the results I achieved. Don't worry! Just trust me and get started.

Class Kit · Coaching Session





Hello, this is Epanch.

Again, the reason I created the course and so many people loved it is,

This is because I emphasize execution.

I did a lot of trial and error. Because he was a normal person who didn't know anything. But after doing it, I found out. “The fact that anyone can do it”!

We just haven't started yet. You don't have to worry about anything. I'll tell you step by step all the know-how I've gained while creating lectures so far. We'll save you time learning something new. Just trust me and follow me!

There are a lot of categories

Are they all good lessons?

The category of the show ceremony is No! In order to increase the lecture time, I will not go round and round or force myself to increase it. I won't include useless information, I'll just tell you the key information. Why is that?

Because your time is precious
Because it's enough just to run it

Now, let's take that one step that hasn't been taken yet, with EPunch.

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Notes on Copyright Protection
  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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