
Interpretation and translation 101 from Korea's leading interpreter

9 chapters · 5 hours 17 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

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President Moon Jae-in, Obama, and Trump

Simultaneous interpreting

I am Conference interpreter In other words, Korean-English International Conference InterpreterIt's.

Have you heard simultaneous interpreting voices on the news or at international conferences? That person is me.

I'm currently in my 12th year freelance interpreterBusy working as and raising a mischievous boy who has just turned one year old working momIt's also.

From VIP interpreting I interpret a variety of topics every day, from diplomacy, culture, society, economics, management, finance, trade, transportation, aviation, science, technology, education, history, human rights, fashion, beauty, tourism, food, justice, medicine, IT, BT, etc.

많이 묻는 질문

▶ Frequently asked questions

I want to start interpreting and translating

If you want to learn properly

Nowadays, interest in interpretation and translation is growing, Online classes on “Simultaneous Interpretation, Sequential Interpretation, and Professional Translation” weren't easy to access, right?

  • Interpretation history for over 700 international conferences
  • Over 200 1:1 consulting experience

Tough on-site interpreterYou can go up as an interpreter at an international conference from Presidential interpreting is the best fieldGet started properly with the interpreter Choi Hyun-jin, who has experienced everything up to We will tell you everything from A to Z of interpretation and translation.

I'm like Choi Tong

Can I become a professional interpreter?

Yes, it can be.

My InstagramThis is the most common question I've heard through, but I wasn't an interpreter from the beginning. I've been dreaming of being an interpreter since I was a kid, but I spent a long time studying and wandering alone because I didn't know how to get started.

So if you are interested in interpreting and translating but don't know where to start, Those who want to become expertsBased on my trial and error and practical experience I can let you know better.

From a general office job

How to become Korea's leading interpreter

I began my social life as a regular office worker, but while attending a company, I felt a lot of thirst for a professional job. So I boldly quit my favorite company, I started studying again at age 25I did.

After 6 months of repeated 1:1 studies while taking classes at the school every day, I was able to pass the Graduate School of Interpretation and Translation.

I thought that if I only went to graduate school, I would become an interpreter on my own, but in reality this wasn't the case.

A study method that suits meI had to constantly research in search of, and beyond school Experience gained in the fieldThey came together to make me who I am today.

For those of you who are vague

We present a clear roadmap

  • Now I'm alone·If you're studying translation
  • I'm at work, but I can·If you want to start a fresh career as a translator
  • If you are attending an interpreting and translation graduate school, but are curious about the vivid story of the scene
  • If you want to learn how to actually study English as an interpreter >

The job of an interpreter may seem vague right now.

It's fine.

I'll show you how I became a freelance interpreter through this class.

Learned by playing in the field for over 12 years A study method that actually helpsWith everyone More specific and clear goals for dreamsWe will make it with.

The basics of interpreting

How to communicate

When you think of “simultaneous interpreter,” you may think of people who listen and speak at the same time, and people who interpret quickly in real time, In fact, being a person who is good at 'communicating' in 'real' EnglishThis is the most important thing.

Whether it's your first time meeting or your first time in a field, interpreters need to communicate.

  • “Comprehension” to grasp the flow of a conversation
  • “Logic” that delves into hidden content in words and sentence expressions
  • “Stamina” to perform interpretation and translation perfectly

Interpreting and communicating basically requires “comprehension,” “logic,” and “physical strength.” You will build these three 'powers' through classes with me.

As the best interpreter

The way I made to study English

I'll tell you all the know-how I've gained over the past 25 years studying in Canada at middle and high schools, going through courses such as a bachelor's degree in English literature, and a master's degree in interpreting at international conferences.

How to use paper newspapers, news shadowing, speech dictation, sentence zones, logic visualization, note-taking, etc. Based on actual study methodsI will do it with.

You don't have to struggle to write fancy words or complicated sentences.

Through the class, we will learn and practice so that we can acquire the ability to convey meaning accurately and naturally in the simplest possible expressions. Expression as natural as flowing waterLet's try it.

Here, I learned while working as a freelancer as a working mom and made it by planning and implementing it independently The secret to self-careis a bonus.

Meet the interpreter's bible

Due to the high tuition fees and entry barriers at graduate schools and offline institutions, and the veiled world of interpreters, 'I also want to be an interpreter and translatorFor those of you who found it difficult to get started with just a “mind,”I want to upgrade my English skills to a new perspective'I created this class for those of you who thought about it.

수강생 후기

▶ Student reviews

📍 This is what you will learn in the last <interpreter/translation 101> class.

  • Fundamental differences between interpretation and translation
  • Am I the right interpreter? Is the translation correct?
  • I'm very curious about the career of being an interpreter at an international conference and the Graduate School of Interpretation and Translation
  • AI and communication for the post-COVID-19 era·The future of translation
  • Studying like an interpreter: increasing memory span, analyzing and understanding logic in writing and speech
  • Speaking English like an interpreter: putting listening-reading-speaking-writing together to practice like a comprehensive art
  • Have fun interpreting and translating yourself and make it your own
  • Book <President's Speech> Teach Study Methods

20 years of experience

We give you all the experience, knowledge, and know-how

tubs·Translation is a process of solving with skills learned by oneself.

Because of these characteristics, rather than being a “teacher” who teaches me unilaterally A “manager” who gives guidelines and creates them togetherPlease think of it.

Refer to #최통공부법, where all my experiences are condensed, and learn how to study according to your style in a very easy and comfortable way. Through the curriculum As study and practice go hand in hand, you can improve your skills imperceptibly! It's probably supposed to be.

My book about President Obama's best speeches <President's Speech>I also prepared a special session on. For the first time, I'll show you how the author studied on his own!

Class Kit · Coaching Session

🔝 Tong ‧ Translation Bible, 1:1 coaching directly taught by Choi Hyun-jin (2 sessions)

  • It's okay if you don't speak English well! From words and sentences, Choi Tong will provide 'customized English coaching'.
  • Coaching tickets will be given 2 times in total, and you can ask one question per session.
  • Interpretation: If you send us the original text and the recording file, we will listen directly and give you detailed criticisms on omissions/awkwards/misinterpretations, delivery, performance, etc. (within 3 minutes)
  • Translation: If you send us the original text and translation files, we will read them yourself and review the details of the mistranslation, translation, expression research, etc. (A4 within 1 page)
  • Other: If you have concerns about English or concerns about a career that takes into account your personal circumstances, we will write an answer of around 250 characters and send it to you.
  • Your feedback will be sent within a maximum of 10 days.
  • Coaching vouchers can be used within 20 weeks from the date of purchase, and there is no refund if not used within the period.

📩 The package is subject to some changes, and we will be fully informed if there are any changes.



crystal choi

crystal choi

Korean-Young International Conference Interpreter Choi Hyun-jin · Shubimam

✓ 12th year professional interpreter working as a freelancer after graduating from graduate school

✓ Mom of a two-year-old boy

✓ During the TESOL children's English play course

✓ Only 30 years studying English

✓ President Moon Jae-in, President Trump, senior summit, international organization event interpreter and English MC

✓ English Advisor, Aviation Policy Office, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Oceanography

✓ Lectures at Seoul HUFS and Busan HUFS Graduate School of Interpretation and Translation

✓ Hanyang University Industry-Gak-yeon Global Advisor

✓ <President Obama's Greatest Moment: President's Speech> Author

✓ <Class 101: Interpretation and translation from Korea's leading interpreter 101> Creator

☺ My biggest concern these days is that I want to share more of my English study methods with those who want to invest more time and effort in self-development and career development, and those who want to practice English with love for their children

Communication channels: www.Instagram.com/_crystalchoi_

한영 국제회의 통역사 최현진

한영 국제회의 통역사 최현진

마이 앤서니 (어린이 영어놀이)

마이 앤서니 (어린이 영어놀이)

슈뷰TV 바이 최통

슈뷰TV 바이 최통

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  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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